
Dangerously In Love

Molly was dangerously in love with her boyfriend. Dangerous was the most appropriate term considering he had far more power to destroy her than Calvin ever did and look how that ended for her!

Evan was everything Calvin wasn't. Kind, patient, and considerate.

He was genuinely interested in what she had to say even if the topic wasn't one he was terribly familiar with. On top of that, he didn't make her do everything for him. The exact opposite was the case; he hardly let her lift a finger.

After several months of seeing him virtually every day, she couldn't deny that he had her best interests at heart. That dating him wasn't likely to end in being used. That was what gave her the courage to tell him the truth.

To his great credit, Evan didn't freak out. He took the news almost too well if she really thought about it.

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