
It is time for you to take the crown

The selection was the easiest part, and Aries was aware of that. The preparation before the coronation was far too extensive not just for the empire but also for the empress. Aries had to go through an immense amount of self-care and a ton lot of ceremony and preparation; they were exhausting, barely able to catch a breath, but she managed. 

And just like that, the coronation rolled in.

On the morning of the coronation, Aries was already up and going through extensive preparation even before the sun breaks to announce the start of a new day. Everything from head to toe, from her perfume down to the last piece of her shoes, was carefully selected; all to make the empress the most beautiful woman across the continent. 

Aries thought it would be an endless ceremony, but although the morning preparation felt infinite, she was granted a short time to rest before the start of the ceremony. 

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