
The armored knight

Abel reassured Aries he would behave for his "safety." Aries should've known that the meaning of "behave" to him was blending in and making friends! It rendered her speechless. 

Who wouldn't?

"Your Highness, are you alright?" Ismael's voice that suddenly came upon her side brought her back to her trance, managing to keep her stoic expression. 

"With a decapitated head hanged right in the entrance of the inner palace…" Aries raised her chin and shot Ismael a look. "Shouldn't I be alarmed if this meant a breach of security?"

Ismael shrugged, causing her to arch a brow. "You don't seem alarmed. Was this some sort of normal occurrence in the Maganti?" she asked.

"Of course not. However, this doesn't affect me. The ones in charge will be affected, not me." He shrugged once again, offering her a smile before his eyes fell on the red marks on her neck. "Nice tattoos."

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