
Strange Shock

Silvia was still sitting on Ella's bed waiting for her to wake up as Serene was having a look at Jace who had just gotten knocked out by Ace and John as always had his eyes glued on the screen.

Serene pulled up her first aid box and used the materials in it to treat the little wounds Jace had on his face and arm.

The wounds that had come when he turned his piece of earth into tiny pieces, some of those tiny pieces were sharp and pointed and they had done their job on his body.

The wounds were not that much and none of them were deep and in no time Serene was done cleaning them and covering them with little bandages.

Silvia was looking at the wall and with a sigh turned to Silvia who was still unconscious but her breathing was peaceful.

It was crazy how three fights had been concluded since she was brought in here and some of the students that were brought in after she was brought in had left while she was still unconscious.

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