
Only One Point

Luis stared at the pebble-sized tree in amazement, he was expecting Johnny to get back his strength ability just like Fred got back his water ability but that didn't seem to be the case as the Demi-Angel had gotten a whole new ability.

The ability was new in two ways, the first one being that it was replacing Johnny's strength ability and the second way being that it was the first time any of them were seeing such an ability.

'That is going to be a problem.' Luis thought.

If Johnny had gotten back his formal ability just like Fred did then keeping what he had become a secret wasn't going to be so hard, but now that he had gotten a new and somehow terrifying ability, he could easily get figured out.

"Hey, what did you do? That's not his ability." Fred said.

"Keep quiet, I can see that," Luis said and just like he said Fred couldn't say anything again and the only thing he could do was shoot daggers at the Angel as he walked closer to Johnny.

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