
Long Term Command

Luis peeked from behind a large tree to see that the guard which he had knocked out earlier was up and back to his duty, he only hoped that the guard wouldn't be able to explain what happened earlier to himself.

"How do we get past him now?" Ella asked.

"I'm trying to think of something," Luis said and then sat down with his back against the tree.

The sun was about to start setting and they needed to get back to the school before it got dark.

"Maybe if you had those wolves of yours, you would have used them to create a distraction."

"No, that's too dangerous, what happens if they stumble into an innocent person and I'm not close to control them?"

"Oh," Ella said and then kept quiet to allow Luis to think.

After discovering that their school was located on a mountain all the unnecessary cold was explained, the school must be doing something to keep its surroundings warm for the students.

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