

When Meredith entered the administration office, she noticed that there had almost nobody there. At a few desks at the back of the First Floor, a few administrators were already working at their desks, but most of the employees hadn't arrived yet.

Since the half-fox remembered where the vice principal's office was, because she and John walked by there a week before to make their registrations, she walked naturally to it. The people in the office saw someone stepping with such confidence in the background that their minds didn't even notice that it was a student.

Arriving at the door of Namor's office, she used the master key, which she stole from the guard, to unlock the door. When the iron lock clicked, she turned the knob and walked naturally into the man's office.

Lucky for Meredith, she didn't have to search hurriedly for the teachers' schedules because on the board behind the door was a long list showing the schedules of all the teachers' classes.

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