
Merle's Gone

Jaden and the group had just made it outside Atlanta. They stopped the cars on the railroad tracks and loaded up on guns and ammo. They found a gate that was open and made their way towards the department store.

A day had passed since they left but they already noticed that the walker's in the city had spread out. It was easier for them to navigate through the city and make it to the department store than last time.

"Don't shoot your guns, we don't need to attract any attention like last time. Glenn lead the way." Jaden said

They slowly walked into the department store and only saw a couple of walkers, after they quietly killed them they headed to the roof.


Back at the campsite, Shane was bonding with Carl by teaching him how to catch frogs.

Across the river was Andrea and a group of women who were washing clothes.

"Can someone explain to me how the women ended up doing all the Hattie McDaniel work?" Jacqui complained as she watched Shane and Carl fail at catching frogs.

"The world ended, didn't you get the memo?" Amy replied

"It's just the way it is." Carol sighed as she looked at Ed

"I miss my Maytag." Amy sighed

"I miss my Benz, My Sat Nav." Andrea said

"I miss my coffee maker." Jacqui groaned

"I miss my Vibrator." Andrea continued

"Me too." Carol replied as they laughed and smiled

While the women were getting along Lori was walking towards Shane and Carl with her signature 'Bitch face'.

"Hey, Carl, Honey I thought I told you to stay at a camp where Dale can see you?" Lori asked Carl

"I know, but Shane said he would teach me how to catch frogs." Carl innocently responded

"Well, you don't listen to Shane, you listen to me. Now go back to camp." Lori frowned and Carl nodded

"You don't have to take your anger out on him." Shane said as Carl walked back to camp.

"You don't tell me what to do anymore, you lost that privilege." Lori walked away

"Lori, can we talk about this?" Shane pleaded

"No! You're the one who told me he was dead. My husband is back so stay away from my family." Lori whispered

Shane stood there as Lori walked off.

As the women were gossiping and talking about the past, Ed, who is Carol's husband, walked up to them.

"What's so funny huh?" Ed asked as he smoked his cigarette

"Nothing that concerns you Ed." Andrea replied nonchalantly

"How bout you be quiet bitch and do your job." Ed frowned and flicked the butt of his cigarette

"Got a problem with me Ed? If you don't like how we do your laundry then do it yourself." Andrea was heated and threw the clothes at him.

"Ain't my job missy." Ed threw the clothes back at her

"And what is your job Ed? Sitting on your ass smoking cigarettes." Andrea argued

"Better than listening to some uppity smart-mouthed bitch. Come on, let's go." Ed told Carol

"She's not going anywhere with you Ed." Andrea said

"Andrea just leave it alone, it won't matter." Carol whispered

"Come on now or you'll regret it later." Ed threatened Carol

"So she can show up with fresh bruises Ed, yeah we saw them, real manly beating up a woman." Jacqui rolled her eyes at him

Ed, seeing that Carol didn't want to leave, started to drag her away from the women. Andrea was stopping Carol from leaving and Carol was talking back to him, Ed didn't like this so he slapped her.

Shane saw this whole altercation and rushed over to Ed. He was already pissed at Rick being alive and wanted to blow off some steam. He dragged him to the ground and gave him the beating of his life.

"If I ever see you touch her again I will kill you. Do you understand me?" Shane shouted at the bloody Ed

"Yeah." Ed groaned

Shane saw that he understood and walked away after seeing Carol crying and the women yelling at him to stop beating Ed's ass.


Jaden's group made it to the roof, but they didn't see Merle. All they saw was blood, a Handsaw and a hand where they handcuffed him.

Merle had cut off his own hand just so he wouldn't die. Everyone was silent while Daryl paced back and forth fuming with anger.

"Aarghh." Daryl yelled as he pointed his crossbow at T-dog

"Don't do it Daryl, If you kill him, then I will have to kill you. I don't care if every walker in the city hears it." Jaden pointed his pistol at Daryl's face.

Daryl hesitates but eventually puts his crossbow down, he just stood there and looked at T-dog.

"You got a Durag or something?"

Daryl asked him and T-dog nodded as he took a Durag from his pocket. Daryl walked over to Merle's hand and placed it on the Durag.

"I guess the saw blade was too dull for the handcuffs. Ain't that bout a bitch."

Daryl said as he wrapped the hand in the Durag and picked it up.

"Well the good news is Merle is alive." Jaden said, hoping that Daryl's mood would get better.

"Yeah, What's the bad news?" Daryl scoffed

"The bad news is that he's alone, most likely starving and suffering from dehydration. He has no gun and the walker's will smell the blood on him." Jaden replied

"So you're saying he's dead?" Daryl frowned

"Nope, actually I think he's alive. You know your brother the best, would he die that easily?" Jaden shrugged his shoulders.

"Hmph, he is one tough son-of-a bitch. Let's look around the city, he's not here anymore." Daryl grabbed his crossbow and headed for the stairs.

Everyone looked at each other and followed behind him. They looked around the city a bit but couldn't find Merle.

They did find evidence that he was alive and had stopped his bleeding by cauterizing the wound.

Daryl wanted to keep looking but was stopped by Jaden.

"Listen I understand that he's your brother and you want to find him, but we can't spend all day looking for him."

"Screw you, I'm going to find my brother, you bastards have done enough." Daryl replied

"You can cover more ground with us with you, but only a couple of blocks. We have to be smart and there is too many walker's here for us to make mistakes." Jaden calmed Daryl down.

Daryl agreed and looked around for Merle but he still couldn't find him. Time passed and they had already searched 4 blocks. Jaden decided it was time to go with or without Daryl.

Daryl seeing that he was at least alive was satisfied and gave up looking for now.

They headed back to the cars and luckily didn't meet that many walkers on their way.

They left and headed back to the campsite as it was late and starting to get dark soon.

I have seen some of the paragraph comments and have noted various complaints. Soon I will update the earlier chapters to make adjustments. Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Floridaboytoniocreators' thoughts
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