
Halo Warrior

The first one on the list is ' the tap water gang '. 

As well built as their city was, drinking water for all is still a bit of a problem. Technically, it's achieved by placing at least one tap on every street, but like everything else, it is subject to the general ambience of the community. 

The tap water gangs are usually loud mouthed guys who are hogging all the drinking water taps provided by the government for free. They do not sell water itself, per say, but a spot in the queue, or a time slot, so 'technically' they are not committing a crime, only, they could be a pain in the arse. Like the jay walker who always stands too close to the zebra crossing, with his overly long scarf fluttering in the air like a race flag. 

These gangs were the first to organize themselves when the calamity happened. 

One such area that is cut off is on the other side of the buffalo portal. 

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