
The first floor

Since we were at the most left side of the classroom, we got up first and made our way out of the classroom in an orderly, single file like fashion. We then waited just outside for the rest of the class before Walter led us deeper into the adventure district.

There was a small square shaped courtyard that opened up, there was a small alter in the middle of a neat stone bricked area. In the corners there were some benches that were covered by tree's to provide shade. A perfect area for relaxing.

On each of the other sides of the square, there was an archway similar to the one we passed through that led into a similarly vast corridor which had doors on either side. I couldn't see in but it probably had classes for different electives.

Walter walked up to the alter and placed his palm on it before it began to shine slightly.

"Alright everyone, please stand within a 10 meter radius of the alter. No dawdling!" he said quickly. everyone did as told and stood as close to the alter as possible. There wasn't that many students in a single classroom only about 20-30. So, it wasn't so crowded.

As I stood there wondering what was going on, a white beam of like shot down from the sky and enveloped exactly 10 meters around the alter. Before I could even react, my vision blurred, and I found myself staring at a vastly different scenery.

We were currently in the middle of a colosseum filled with grass. But this one wasn't as massive as the one I had seen before. This one was about the size of a soccer field. There were stands surrounding the field and stone statues holding golden swords standing on pillars on each corner.

The sides of the entire floor was open, and the ceiling was supported by massive pillars. When I looked through the gaps off to a random side of the stadium, all I saw was a blue expanse of space. that and a ton of fluffy clouds. It seemed they weren't joking with the whole arena in the sky thing.

In simple terms, the architecture of the building, was practically just dozens of colosseums stacked on top of each other with a separation between them for natural light to filter in. that way it wouldn't seem like a dungeon where visibility was low. There seemed to be some runes on the statues the pulsated in a rhythmic pattern. As they did so, a small film could be seen encompassing the open area like a forcefield. Probably for the purpose of keeping everything that's meant to be inside in and everything that's not out.

There was also a second film that covered the borders of the field itself, probably for the safety of the students watching.


Walter directed our attention back to him.

"This is the first floor of the arena. You will take turns challenging the beasts. When you have had enough of this floor, there is a set of spiral stairs off to the side of the arena that will take you to the next floor. most of the floors are exactly the same as this one.

You do not have the challenge a beast in order to move up the floors; for those who want to spectate, you are free to do so." He explained.

Everyone nodded, it was simple enough.

Seeing us all nod in acknowledgement, Walter smiled, "very good, in that case who would like to go first?" he asked. All the students looked at each other, Abby didn't bother waiting and instantly walk out and volunteered.

"Doesn't like to wait, does she?" Percival said off to the side. I could only nod, she did not seem to be the patient type.

Walter nodded as if expecting that outcome, "Abby's first, everyone else please go take a seat on the stands to one side and wait patiently for the battle to finish." He instructed calmly before pointing to the stands. Everyone else nodded and began to chat as they walked off to take a seat at a leisure pace.

Once everyone was seated, Walter walked to one side and pressed his hand on a stone pillar next to the field. Instantly, the forcefield was activated. It was semi transparent as it glowed with a faint blue light which soon dissipated before going invisible. It was like it was never there.

Abby took out her wand and waited patiently for the Professor to initiate the battle. Pressing slightly lower, a golden light spread through the field before a 2 meter tall dung beetle condensed opposite her.

It was quite interesting to look at. I wondered where the artifact was hidden. Maybe below this floor? It wasn't that important but simple curiosity. There was no suspense in this battle simply because the beetle was slow and had no attack power.

It's big size was just a bluff. Evident by the way Abby was able to effortlessly avoid it by jumping to the side. According to Percival, students in the first year were expected to have memorised the arena beast encyclopaedia if they wanted to do well. This was because certain beasts had certain weaknesses both biologically and biomechanically. If the student knew how to take advantage of it, an immensely difficult fight against a defensive beast such as this beetle would be made incredibly easy.

Abby condensed a fire that spread towards the beetle via the grass and formed a circle that turned into a small fire tornado. Impressive for a second year. Although it was small scale, the heat could be felt.

This species of beetles, according to Percival, had a massive fire weakness. So, taking them down was actually incredibly easy. They would dry up very quicky. He explained that this species lived in marsh areas with lots of water and couldn't handle the heat at all. the had an incredibly ice and water resistance and coped well with other elements. It was surprising how much magic can influence the genetic mutation of a beast.

I say mutation because this is exactly the same small dung beetle you would fine in forests and such. The only difference was obviously, the size and the colour. this one was a deep blue colour with red eyes. not very frightening but it didn't have to be since they mostly lived unperturbed lives due to their defence. This was precisely because most beasts don't have a fire affinity, so killing this small giant was a gargantuan task.

Not to mention they weren't exactly harmless, if you were stupid enough to get hit, it would still hurt a lot.

The battle ended within 20 seconds and the charred corpse of a beetle was revealed which quickly dissipated into golden lights before seeping into the ground. The grass that had been burnt grew back almost instantly and the field recovered to what it was before.

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