
Ilvermorny goes against logic

"I like you kid, you're a breath of fresh air compared to all these stuck-up fools with their tight suits. I swear it stops all the blood from reaching their brain. I can help you of course. You're currently on griffin street. This is for wands, pets, brooms and potions. There is a store in the corner that will provide you with the materials you'll need for potions. Beware though, the old man that owns the shop will try to rip you off haha.

Now, if you keep heading down this road, you will come to an intersection. Go down the road immediately to your left and you'll find stores that sell the schools clothing. There's also a bookstore for all your subjects and…" she continued to tell me where everything was. It seemed that everything else apart from potions and wands was located in the street to the left. Much more convenient.

"Do you need a wand young man?" she asked expectantly.

"No, I don't, I already have one, and even then, I barely use it," I said while shaking my head. The old woman frowned when she heard that.

"Is that old crackpot Ollivander selling faulty goods?" she blurted out in anger. I burst into laughter at her words. I laughed so hard that my stomach hurt.

"What? Is it true?" she asked. I tried to compose myself again and wiped the tear that was about to fall from my eye.

"No-no, he sells great wands like always. It's just that I no longer need a wand." I said with a smile.

'What do you mean?" she asked with a puzzled expression on her face. I shook my head and raised my hand. Every box containing a wand began to float. Then with my other hand, I transfigured a chair into a wooden phoenix. The old woman was so shocked that her jaw loosened. She looked around and pointed at the still floating wands with a shaky hand.

"H-H-How can you do that? How old are you?" she stuttered.

"12," I responded. The woman couldn't stand anymore and began to fall backwards. I reacted in time and swiped my hand sideways, and the wooden phoenix turned back into a comfy chair that caught her.

I decided to leave after that. I really didn't want to be interrogated after she woke up. I didn't really care to hide my talent. I had a sword that could kill people merely with a touch. I had a dragon that could decimate cities. And a metal servant that was nigh unbreakable with magic. And then there was me. I could do wandless magic with both hands. Meaning two spells at the same time. I was more than comfortable dealing with most threats that came his way. And in case of an emergency, I could use my armour. For one minute I was unkillable.

'Drak can your armour block the killing curse?' I asked in my head.

[sure can. Like I said. Nothing can kill us. What? Do you expect me to die off so easily by a measly green beam of light? Bah! Don't mock me.] he said dismissively. It seemed I had my answer. So, I really was unkillable for a minute. Good to know.

I then proceeded towards the corner shop the old lady had mentioned. I was already preparing myself for the old man attempts at ripping me off. As I walked down the street, I spotted a shop that read 'Timmy & Top's trusted potions.' The name sounded nice and friendly, but the trusted part made me squint my eyes in suspicion. But I still tried to keep an open mind and not come to conclusions.

When I walked in a concoction of varying smells assaulted my nose. There was a tinge of herbs, animal parts and an earthy smell. The smell was too odd and made me frown.

"How can I help you, young man?" Asked an old man who was slightly hunched over. He appeared out of thin air. He and Ollivander would be best of friends.

"Good morning, I was recommended here by the old lady at the wand store just down the street. she said you can provide me with the things I need for school?" I asked with a wary look. He seemed to understand my gaze and laughed slightly and shook his head.

"She probably told you that I would try to rip you off right?" he revealed to my surprise.

"How did you know?" I asked out of reflex before the answer hit me. Yet, before I could correct myself, the old man sighed.

"That old coot is my wife. Ever since I opened up this shop, she's been hell-bent on driving every one of my customers away." He said with a chuckle.

"Don't worry, you can walk out that door and ask any random person for their opinion of my shop and they will tell you that it's trustworthy. If you don't believe me, go for it," he said with a laugh.

"Nah I rather not waste time. I'll believe you. So, can you get me what I need?" I asked trying to get back on topic.

"Hmm, English accent with a trace of Scottish, you're not from around here, are you?" he asked with a smile.

"Nope, transferred from Hogwarts to Ilvermorny," I said casually.

"Ahh, from Europe. Makes sense. And wise choice, Ilvermorny is very reputable and magnificent in what it does. You will enjoy your time there," he said confidently. His words made the school sound that much more appealing to me.

"Anyway, yes I can provide you with what you need. One second." He said before disappearing behind a door. He came back several minutes later with a floating crate. I was shocked. What were they carrying in there? Seeing my reaction, the old man laughed.

"What, you didn't think it's was just a small box with a couple of instruments and what not did you?" He asked jokingly but when he saw that I didn't respond his jaw dropped.

"Don't tell me that's all they ask of you at Hogwarts?" he questioned. I nodded. If his jaw could drop off it would have.

"*Sigh* how low have they fallen. I only thought you would be mildly surprised, but I'm starting to believe that you might faint from the shock, boy. I would overestimate the school as much as I can if I were you. That way you might be able to take the shock of it all." He said seriously. I started to think of the most outrageous things that could happen. Like dragons that drew carriages, mermaid teachers and battles with savage beasts in an arena as part of training for defence against the dark arts.

"Oh and don't even get me started on the Dragon drawn carriages that will take you there-" *thump* I fell to the ground and looked at him in shock. I started to laugh silently like a madman. Was this a school? How can that domesticate dragons? and to use them for drawing carriages at that. What has this world become?

"A-Are you ok kid? Damn, if that got you acting like this then I'm worried for your health." He said with a chuckle, but I knew he was serious.

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