
Interesting trashcan

The smell of rain soon rose and mixed in with the already damp and stuffy smell in the shed. Not to mention the metallic smell of blood that joined the party. it really was terrible, almost made me gag. Having felt that there was nothing else to do, I walked out of the shed and towards the cab.

"What should we do with this?" I asked, holding my chin whistle in thought.

[destroy it, reducto should do the trick,] said Drak with an 'it's simple' tone.

"Right, that should work. Reducto" I said extending my hand outwards. The care instantly shuddered from the spell and begin to twist and convulse as if it was alive before reducing to a big mound of metal dust.

"Good stuff." I nodded, content with the effect. "So, what should we do now. we have a lot of time on our hands." I asked. if someone heard me, they would think I'm crazy. Talking to nobody would garner such effect.

[hmm, we can go visit the magical shopping district that's in Seattle. There might be something good there. If not, just experiencing the difference in culture should suffice to entertain us.] Said Drak.

"Good proposition. What about you Achlys, do you have anywhere specific you want to go?"

{Nah, I'm just happy to be out of that god awful cave. Plus, I already had a lot of fun, so I'm happy to go anywhere.} he said with a rarely seen nice attitude.

"Ok, it's decided, we're going to the magical district… Where is it?" I asked.



Both Drak and Achlys stayed silent. "Damn, it's fine, we can go back to the airport and ask one of the people there. They should definitely know." I said confidently. I walked for about 20 minutes and found another cab driver. A one was normal this time. I check with Legilimency just to be sure. 'Yep, not a murderer.' I thought with a chuckle.

"Where are we off to?" he asked.

"Seattle airport please," I answered.

"Got it, put your seatbelt on and we'll be off." He said with a smile.


I walked out of the Airport an hour later with the location of the magical district. It was near a bar called the Hideout. Convenient name for a place that hides a secret community of people. It seems that there was something appealing about bars as a location to access the magical world. But it was a minor detail. I grab a cab and was pleasantly surprised to find out it was the same man. The ride to the bar was peaceful. The man told me stories about his kids, which were Zoe and George, 12 and 10 respectively. How Zoe was into sports and music and George was into video games and reading.

I listened quietly, it was nice to just relax and enjoy the company of nice people. When I arrived, I left a big 100-dollar tip as a thank you for the enjoyable time. I turned around to look at the signboard that read, 'the hideout'. The man at the airport said that all I had to do was go into the alleyway behind the Bar. It was sealed off, so you couldn't access it or see it from the street. There, a trashcan would be situated in the corner. All I had to do was turn the trash can lid three times clockwise and cast any charm as proof of magical identity and the passageway would open. It was practical and easy to remember. As I walked in, I noticed the bartender immediately. Voluptuous and beautiful. A vast difference between that and Tom in the leaking caldron. I smiled slightly and walked past the bar and headed towards the alleyway. There was a door specifically for that purpose. The bar was almost empty which was uncharacteristic for a Friday night.

I noticed that the bartender was looking at me but ignored it and pushed the door open and walked into the alleyway. It was practically empty apart from a few spare chairs, tables and boxes that had something in it. I didn't bother to check since it was none of my business and directed my attention to the grey rusting trashcan situated exactly where the man said. I walked towards it and performed the steps exactly as told.

I cast the accio charm and pulled a chair from the corner. To my surprise, the trashcan started to tremble and transform. It turned into a metal face that floated several inches off the ground.

"What do we have here. Tourist again?" asked the trashcan. It took me a while to compose myself from the surprise. It reminded me of the sorting hat in Hogwarts.

"Yeah, you can say that." I nodded.

"Oh? English accent, but a trace of Scottish, hmm, and what's this?! A Pen-" I kicked the lid instantly. It smashed into the wall with a loud bang as the sound of metal hitting brick resounded throughout the entire alleyway.

"I would watch my mouth if I were you," I said as I played with the spark of black fire that floated in my hand menacingly. It turned into a skull made of flames that looked at the trashcan before disappearing.

"M-My apologies. I should have known better," it said. I didn't answer immediately but instead cast the muffliato spell for secrecy.

"Ok. So, tell me, how do you know I was a Pendragon?" I asked curiously.

"The tattoo's lad. Your great grandfather had the same ones." It answered quickly as if scared of being kicked again.

"I see. Well, keep it a secret like you have been, please. Now, if there isn't anything else, I'll be taking my leave-" I couldn't finish as the trashcan interrupted.

"Wait! Take me with you. I have been in this corner for decades doing nothing. I can be of use to you. I assume you don't know much about America and its magical community, right?" it said confidently.

"Correct. Hmm… I don't mind you coming along with me, but I can't carry a trashcan everywhere." I said seriously.

{Kid, are you thick? What did you do with me?} asked Achlys.

"Right! I forgot! Well, you're lucky tin can." I said with a smile. The trashcan seemed extremely happy about being able to come along.

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