
Filch and his hate for children

The day quickly passed by and soon it was the afternoon. We were told to meet Hagrid at 8 pm tonight for our detention. I was reading a book on petrification spells, such as petrificus totalus which was a very helpful and rather effective spell. Hermione demonstrated it in the movie and Neville fell flat on his back because of it.

Talking about Neville, it seems that unlike the books he was not caught trying to warn Harry or Ron about Draco since he didn't hold onto the information. Not that it mattered. Another interesting detail was that Ron didn't get bitten by the dragon either. So, he was present when Neville should have taken his place.

It seems that it played out more like the movie did rather than how the books depicted it. The allotted time was fast approaching, and I said my farewells to Hermione and left with Harry and Ron towards Hagrid's hut. On the way there we ran into Draco who had a sullen look on his face. He clearly didn't want to participate.

As we made our way over to the Hut, we came across Filch who was sent to oversee that we came at the time given. He seemed upset that we were only given such a "Light" punishment. Because being sent into a monster-infested forest is a light punishment. The old man had some screws loose.

He reminisced about the "good old days" where punishment consisted of hanging kids by their thumbs, which was not the worst punishment if you think about it. If it was the muggle world then sure it would probably cause permanent damage to the joint from all the bodyweight but in the magical world, one day and your good as new. and if you lost your thumb, use magic to bring it back into existence.

I can think of at least fifteen different punishments that are worse than that. Public embarrassment for example, what teens hate the most is being laughed at by their peers and especially their crush's if they have one. It's simple and effective.

The moon was bright, but the clouds scudding across it kept it from casting its silvery glow on us. From the path we walked on we soon saw Hagrid's hut; his windows were lit and before long a distant shout could be heard.

"Is that you, Filch? Hurry up, I want ter get started."

As soon as the shout was heard, I saw Harry's and Ron's initially pale faces regain some colour. They were probably relieved that Hagrid was the one conducting the detention. I was probably thinking it had more to do with Dumbledore than anything else. And McGonagall being Dumbledore's pet, probably agreed right away.

Filch though, didn't seem too happy with Harry and Ron's easing expressions. "I suppose you're thinking you'll be enjoying yourselves with that oaf? Well, think again, boy—it's into the forest where you're going and I'm much mistaken if you'll come out in one piece," he said ominously.

I saw Ron stop in his tracks.

"Forest?!" he said, his face paling. "We can't go in there at night—there are all sorts of creatures in there—werewolves, I heard," he said. Tt was surprising since Draco was the one meant to say that line.

"I too find it odd, quite contradictory if whoever sent us on this detention to pick the forbidden forest. After all, didn't Dumbledore specifically say, 'all pupils are forbidden'?" I added with a smile.

Everyone had pensive expressions as they thought over my words.

"Not so cocky now, are we Weasley?" said Draco with an arrogant expression.

"Says the kid who's scared of his own shadow," I said with a chuckle but froze the next second. "B-But, if you're so brave, t-then you don't mind taking on the werewolf behind you… r-right?" I stuttered as I pretend to be shocked and sacred while backing up. Draco's face paled as he spun around only to see nothing there. He turned around and his face contorted in anger. He was probably mad at my mocking smile directed at him. Even Ron and Harry chimed in with their own laughter.

Before we could talk much more, Hagrid came striding forward towards us out of the dark. Fang at his heel. I saw him carrying a massive crossbow that looked almost… small in his hands. It was as big as my torso and yet he made it look tiny. Really reminded me of Shaq and his plastic water bottles.

"Abou' time," he said. "I bin waitin' fer half an hour already. All right, you guys?" He asked as he looked at the pale Draco.

"You shouldn't be too friendly with them Hagrid, they're here to be punished after all," he said coldly as he looked at us.

'That's why yer late, is it?" said Hagrid, frowning at what Filch had just said. "Bin lecturin' dem, eh? Snot your place ter do that. Yeh done yer bit, I'll take it from here," he said waving Filch off in annoyance.

"Tch, whatever, I'll be back at dawn… for what's left of them," he said before beginning to walk away.

"don't let the door hit you on your way back you sadistic prick," I said with a grin. Filch stopped mid-step and turned around and glared at me fiercely. He seemed to look up for a second and turned around and left. I smiled and also turned to look, only to find Hagrid staring at Filch menacingly.

"Yer shouldn't talk to the staff like that Tom," he said sternly, but a small smile crept on his face.

Ron turned to Hagrid and then stared into the forest, "Hagrid, are we really going in there," he asked, nodding towards the deep black forest that seemed like it would eat you alive. I had no doubt it probably would.

"Yeh, can't do nothin' about it." Said Hagrid.

"Is it really that dangerous, Hagrid?" Harry chimed in as he stepped up.

"It can most definitely be," he said before looking towards the forest.

"Right then," he said jolting us out of our thoughts. "Now, listen carefully, 'cause it's dangerous what we're gonna do tonight, an' I don' want no one takin' risks. Follow me over here a moment."

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