
Drak going senile?

The next day was spent just like it usually would, run in the morning exercise right afterwards, shower and then head to the library. The afternoon would be spent training our spells and going over the theory for them before sitting down on the couch for a while before heading off to bed.

"Hermione don't go to bed yet, there's something I want to show you that I know you'll like," I said sounding like someone trying to advertise cheap knockoffs at the market. She stopped just as she was about to get up and head to bed and turned to look at me curiously.

"Here, stand up and let me cast a spell before we go," I stood up and said pointing to the ground in front of me. Hermione seemed confused but got up and stood where I pointed. I looked around to make sure no one was around before casting the concealing spell on her. I heard her gasp in surprise.

"When did you learn such a spell Tom?" she asked happily.

"I learnt it the other day, and before you start annoying me, I'll teach it to you later so don't ask," I said before she could speak. I seemed to have guessed it as I heard her choke on her words before feeling pain on my shin. I grimaced as I held my shin while glaring at where Hermione was supposed to be.

"Take my hand otherwise I won't be able to guide you," I said extending out my hand in front of me. A few moments later I felt a soft supple hand in mine as it gently squeezed. I nodded and used the same spell on myself before walking out of the common room while holding Hermione's hand.

"W-Where are we going Tom?" she asked with a hint of shyness in her tone.

"Don't talk too much until we arrive otherwise, we risk the chance of getting caught, oh wait never mind," I corrected myself as I cast the muffliato spell to muffle our voices.

"Ok now we can talk, we are getting close now, don't worry," I said as I turned the corner to see Mr Flitch's cat right there. I could feel Hermione's hand tighten around mine for a second before softening.

"Fuck, you stupid cat," I mumbled before walking by the cat that stared into space like it was in a trance. In my past life, there were many speculations about whether Mrs Norris was actually a human who suffered from the blood maledictus curse. I knew that Nagini was actually a woman who suffered from it and that it eventually makes the person who has it turn into an animal. They would slowly lose control over it and eventually become said animal forever.

I speculate that Nagini should have met Voldemort in the forest soon after his death while he was in his bodyless form. Nagini being alone for so long and Voldemort having no one to talk to probably found solace in each other. After all, Voldemort is a parselmouth which meant that Nagini who couldn't talk to anyone finally found someone who could.

The reason many speculated that Mrs Norris was a former human was due to her abnormally high intelligence. It was never specified and it's not really important since either way she's an annoying little shit.

Shaking my head, I led Hermione forward and soon arrived at the same door I was at yesterday. It wasn't locked since harry would visit later, Dumbledore can't have it locked since the useless kid wouldn't be able to open it. I chuckled at the thought, I pushed the door open and walked in before closing it again after making sure that Hermione was inside.

I soon undid my concealment spell and stood by one corner before undoing Hermione's one as well.

"What is this place, Tom? I don't see anything interesting here," she said with a trace of disappointment. I dismissed her comment and walked towards the covered Mirror before taking off the material that covered it.

"What is that?" she asked curiously as she walked forward, "Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi," she said slowly and with difficulty.

"What does this mean?" she asked as she continued to stare at the letters.

"Read it backwards, the message says, "I show you not your face but your heart's desire," I said with a smile. Hermione looked at me in surprise before turning towards the mirror with intense curiosity in her eyes. I smiled at the sight before putting my hands on her shoulders and directing her to stand in front of the mirror.

"The mirror will show you what you most desire, but don't lose yourself in it, after all, it is only an illusion," I said with a clear trace of melancholy. Hermione nodded before continuing to stare. Her face soon changed, she had a smile at first before it got wider and wider and finally, a bright red hue appeared on her face.

Noticing the change, I couldn't help but think about what she could be seeing. [poor kid, you don't know do you?] Drak said out of nowhere. 'What do you mean? What don't I know?' I asked in my head.

[Ha! As if I'm going to tell you. This is like watching a poorly made film,] he said with a sigh. I didn't get it, what the hell is this fool spewing. I decided to stop thinking about it and looked over towards Hermione again and noticed that she looked at me from time to time before stepping out of the mirror's way.

"Well? What did you see? tell me I'm curious," I asked expectantly.

"I-I saw my family, friends, a happy and joyful world and… and…"

"And what?" I asked.

"a cat" she said smiling happily.

"Was it that difficult for you to spit out that you saw a cat?" I asked sceptically.

[Oh if there is a god out there, please kill me now, end this poor dragon's suffering!] Drak yelled like a weirdo. 'What are you saying you crazy old dragon?! did you finally go senile?' I asked with irritation. The old goat was screaming random shit out of nowhere.

[Oh, how I pity your blindness young man, my oh my,] he said, I swear I could hear the disappointment in his voice.

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