
Spooky scary skeletons

Hermione was against the idea, so I had to pretend to forget, she didn't have to know about it. What the eyes don't see, the heart doesn't feel. Drak was right about using Legilimency it was the best option in our current situation.

Therefore the only option I had left was to train even more intensely with Drak and try to get it to a good enough level. With Drak's guidance and assistance, I should be able to pull it off at least once. The only thing left was to search for my target. And I already had one in mind. Percy Weasley, he was in a much higher year level and would definitely know an important spell such as protego.

Casting my thoughts to the back of my head, I followed Hermione as we walked towards potions where the funny Snape would bully Harry like always. I did realise something though, Drak's energy would get slightly agitated whenever I was in potions class but when I asked him about it he didn't answer and always gave an excuse.

To this day I don't know but he said he would tell me later so I could only wait and find out at the time of his choosing. After classes were over, me, Hermione, a grumpy Ron and a depressed Harry walked into the great hall before taking our seats. Naturally, Hermione and I sat far away from the pig known as Ron the Glutton.

I felt sympathy for Harry since I knew what it was like to lose your parents. He was luckier though; he didn't remember the events that day which saved him a lot of heartache. I walked over to him under the surprised gazes of Hermione and Ron and gave Harry a hug.

"Cheer up man, there will always be hardships in life, we must overcome them in order to grow stronger. Your parents wouldn't want you to feel sad over their death, get stronger and avenge them," I said before walking away.

"What would you know Tom?" Ron shouted. I sighed, the impetuous Weasley here to ruin the fucking mood. I ignored Ron and gave Harry who was looking at me a deep look, "more than you can imagine" I responded. I turned around to find Hermione who seemed to have heard the conversation looking at me questioningly. I shook my head at her and sat down before observing the Great Hall.

The décor in the great hall was different than usual. Instead of normal candles suspended in mid-air, it was carved pumpkins with creepy designed faces lit by a candle inside. The gargoyles on the wall held a large torch each dangling from a chain. The enchanted ceiling was stormy and ghostly compared to the calm and soothing starry skied one from usual.

The food was to be expected, sweets everywhere in sight. I got sick just by looking at it all. I was never much of a sweets guy in either one of my lives and I wasn't about to change. I looked over to see Hermione abstaining from the sweets. "What are you doing? Aren't you going to have any?" I asked in confusion as I watched her.

She shook her head, "no of course not! my parents are dentists and excessive sugar is bad for you," she said all stuck up and whatnot. I facepalmed and sighed. "What are you sighing about now?" she asked with annoyance.

"At what you ask, it's at the fact that you think that sweets in Hogwarts are made from sugar," I said with a chuckle. Hermione was stunned before looking at the sweets, "if they're not made out of sugar then…" she looked puzzled. I was completely baffled, "is your head ok? They're made from magic duhh!" I said before laughing.

Hermione was again stunned before nodding, "why didn't I think of that possibility," she said before looking towards my empty plate. "Why aren't you eating?" she asked. "Because I don't like sweets, I'll wait for the main course," I said while pushing my plate away. She nodded in acceptance and pushed hers away as well.

As we started talking the great hall doors slammed open with a "WHOOSH" which attracted the attention of all the students as they quietened. Through the doors, Professor Quirrell came running in. Quirinus Quirrell, a young man with pale white skin. It was said that when Quirrell returned from his sabbatical in Albania, one of his eyes developed a twitch and he appeared quite pale and anxious and frequently stuttered.

He was of course our Defence against the dark arts teacher (DADA) for this year and the current host for the prime soul of Voldemort. I have a sneaking suspicion that he was turning Quirrell into a partial Horcrux since his character changed according to the information I found in my past life. Whether that's true or not doesn't really matter. I hated his classes nonetheless. They were monotonous and boring, all theoretical with no practical elements. His classroom strongly smelt of garlic and so did his turban. The students suspected that it was due to his irrational fear of a vampire wanting to come after him.

I on the other hand think that his turban smelled like garlic due to the presence of Voldy's face stuffed under there. So, he probably went along with the vampire story and smeared garlic everywhere for appearances. It seemed to work for the most part since the Weasley twins mistook it for Quirrell stuffing garlic in his turban for the vampire.

Anyway, back to the present, the funny little meat bag Professor Quirrell came running in while screaming. "TROOOOOOOOL, in the dungeon. TROOOOOOL in the dungeon" he screamed as he pointed behind him before stopping mid-way.

I could see Dumbledore getting up and soon the other teachers followed. It was so quiet it was deafening. "Thought you would like to know," Quirrell said before fainting on the spot. "fuck" I mumbled which seemed to trigger a chain reaction as all the kids began to scream and run around like a bunch of headless chickens.

Hermione started to panic a little and was getting restless. I put a hand on her shoulder which caught her attention. "Calm down Hermione sit still and wait," I said with a smile. "Wait for wha-" she was cut off by a loud yell.

"S-I-L-E-N-C-E!" Dumbledore yelled, echoing through the great hall as he pronounced each part of the word clearly and loudly. The once panicked kids seemed to have calmed down in an instant. "Prefects, please take the students to their respective common rooms. The professors and I will deal with this matter" he said calmly.

"What a terrible decision," murmured Hermione as she stared at Dumbledore. "Your right, the smart thing to do would be to keep the kids in the great hall, all together and deal with the matter appropriately. But what can we expect from a very irresponsible Headmaster?" I said with a chuckle.

"Tom! you can't criticise the headmaster like that. He probably has his reasons" she defended. "Doubtful, but that's not the issue here, what would have happened if a student was caught in the bathrooms at the wrong time? Trolls are dumb creatures but they are resistant to magic so it would be incredibly difficult for a student to beat them." I concluded.

Hermione thought about my words for a moment. "Terrible security if you ask me, letting a troll get into the school is just shameful," I said with a smile. "But don't worry I doubt anything serious will happen," I added before tapping her shoulder and walking with the Gryffindor house back to our common room.

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