
Chapter 324: Quentin

Antonio's hands stopped. Slowly, he lifted his head and stared at Quentin.

"Nadine," Antonio muttered.

He absently took the cigar from his apron and lifted it to his lips. For a few moments he seemed to stare past Quentin. Looking into the past?

"Haven't seen her in years. Probably for the best," Antonio said.

"Why's that?"

His brows rose. "Huh."

Quentin narrowed his gaze. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Surprised, that's all."


Antonio shook his head. "If you're looking for Nadine, I'm the last person she'd come to. Something happen with her?"

Quentin shrugged. "Just looking to reconnect."

Antonio's gaze swept down Quentin's body, assessing him. "You were partners."

He nodded. "Were."

"I can't help you." Antonio tucked the cigar back in his apron and focused once more on his plant, dismissing Quentin.

He stood there a moment longer, but it was obvious he'd been dismissed.

"Thanks for your time," he muttered and turned.

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