
Chapter 294: Logan

Tuesday. Logan Muller's Apartment. Washington, DC.

LOGAN ROLLED OVER AND blindly reached for Kelsey's small form next to him.

The sheets were cool to the touch.

The swish of material tickled his ears.

Someone-Kelsey?-was moving around the apartment.

He lifted his head and pried an eye open in time to see a Kelsey sized shadow pass in front of the bedroom door.

What was she doing up?

He peered at the clock.

It wasn't even two yet.

His mouth was horribly dry and he could feel a headache coming on.

Reaching over, he turned on the bedside lamp.

"Kel?" He pushed up and swung his legs over the side of the bed.

She stepped into view, one hand braced on the doorframe. "Sorry, did I wake you?"

"I don't think so." He squinted at her.

She'd changed into pajamas earlier, which only made her look more at home at his place. He liked it.

"What's wrong?" He pushed to his feet.

She sighed and let her hands flop to her sides. "My brain won't shut off."

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