
Chapter 185: Ivy, Skilton

Ivy's brows rose. "I'm sorry?"

"You heard me." Blue Shrew's tone was straight up bitchy.

They weren't going to be friends.

Ivy had been told this might happen. She'd assumed it would be a more private interview, but clearly it wasn't.

Ivy had survived basic training and lived in some of the roughest conditions on the planet. Modesty was something that had died out a long time ago. Yet with those four harpies glaring daggers at her, she couldn't help but feel some apprehension.

How was it that she could kick the ass of a two-hundred pound man, but these bitches that couldn't weigh a hundred pounds soaking wet had her nervous?

Screw that.

Ivy gave Jabir a wink, then tugged her shirt up over her head.

What the heck had Zora been thinking putting her in a jean skirt and cotton T-shirt?

The rest of these women were in shiny, expensive looking shit.

At least she had more fabric to work with.

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