
Chapter 61: Prologue

Volume 2: Forged Risk

Monday. Aegis Group Offices, Seattle, Washington.

EVAN IVANOV SWIPED HIS finger across the screen of his phone, studying the grinning, laughing faces of his nephews. His sister had posted the images on social media with the caption, Happiness is a family gathering. From the looks of it, she'd invited everyone. Except Evan.

How many times had he told his sisters, his brother and parents that if they gave him even twelve hours' notice he could be home? Some days he could make it there in less time. He had his bags permanently packed with his job. He didn't mind. Hell, he'd like the invite.

Evan wished he could blame the exclusion on his move to Seattle, but the truth was that he'd always slipped between the cracks where his family was concerned. He just didn't fit. Never really had. His team was more like family than his blood.

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