
Veldora and Walpurgis

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


After Yuki introduced the spirits to everyone, Ramiris was still shocked as she could tell that these spirits weren't like normal light and dark spirits and they somehow resemble her who was tainted by Milim's aura, however Yuki didn't tell her that he tainted them to fit his needs...

After this incident was over, they returned back to tempest along with the kids and it was decided that they will stay there and Shizue will continue teaching them until the situation in Ingrassia is stabilize


Back at his home, Yuki kicked the two constantly bickering spirits out of his head and closed the door of his room to find some peace as he thought

'I need to finish my second and fifth task before I leave this world, but how am I supposed to find 4 relevant humans to befriend…' countless plans started revolving in Yuki's head, some of them were already in motion such as befriending Carrion after having saved his subordinate Phobio. After all, demi-humans such as dwarfs were still considered humans by the mission.

He was also thinking about getting close to Luminous valentine through Hinata and maybe use her to finish his hero quest at the same time which would help kill two birds with one stone, although he wasn't sure if vampires like her are considered demi-humans or not.

However, even then it leaves him with two spots to fill and he wasn't sure who to choose but he was thinking about the other demon lord Frey that was a Harpy as well as his old dear friend Elmesia El blabla…

"Fine then, it's determined, let's start dealing with whatever Clayman is planning first" muttered Yuki, and just as he did, a portal opened near their town, and a demon maid came out of it.

Her intentions were simple, it was to inform them that a Walpurgis is going to be held tomorrow and that both Rimuru and himself were invited to it and they can bring two servants each…

"What do you think, Yuki-san? Should we go?" Asked Rimuru and Yuki simply shrugged and said with a smile "Of course we should, those people are quite rich you know plus we have to deal with that annoying puppet"

Seeing the greedy look on Yuki's face, Rimuru felt stupid to even ask him this question… however, he suddenly heard a deep voice in his head "Old friend, we finally broke through the barrier!"

Rimuru was startled and he suddenly smiled happily as he thought 'This couldn't have happened at a better time' before he quickly said "Veldora, is your seal finally broken?"

Just as he asked this, Raphael spoke in his head [Notice: The unique skill: unlimited imprisonment has been fully analyzed. Host can now use it]

"Guys I have great news" spoke Rimuru suddenly with a smug look on his face and Shion asked him curiously "What's it Rimuru-sama? Do you want to try my cooking again?"

Rimuru's happy face instantly turned blue as he smiled awkwardly and said "N-no, it's something else…"

Shion held her head down slightly but Rimuru was determined not to fall to this cuteness trap 'I will never allow myself to be poisoned by your food again' he thought before he said "I want to introduce you to my friend"

Yuki understood what was going on and he couldn't help but watch curiously as Rimuru created a clone and transferred Veldora to it.

That clone stared at his body with a grin on his face "I'm finally free" A terrifying aura gushed from his body as he slowly grew bigger and more muscular and took on the form Yuki expected, although it was completely naked…

"Veldora, please suppress your aura" spoke Rimuru awkwardly seeing all of his subordinates ready for a life-or-death battle except for Yuki who was staring at Veldora's little buddy before he stared at his own, and then he smiled proudly as if he won a fight…

Not wanting to imagine what was going on in Yuki's twisted mind, Rimuru quickly covered Veldora's body with some clothes before he let out a sigh of relief as the latter slowly suppressed his aura and said "Sorry about that, I was too excited after finally leaving that prison"

"Y-You are Veldora?" spoke Hinata as she stood in front of Yuki with her hand on her sword.

'Oh, not bad, she's actually protecting me' thought Yuki with a smile before he held her back and said "Don't worry, he's not an enemy"

After hearing his words, the other people present finally relaxed a little bit. Meanwhile, Veldora shifted his attention from Hinata whom he was finding familiar for some reason, and focused on Yuki…

The atmosphere grew tense once more as Veldora stared seriously at Yuki and everyone in the room instantly thought that maybe Yuki stole something from Veldora but the latter suddenly said "Thank you for taking care of my friend" Before he bowed down mimicking a Japanese person which surprised Shizue, and made Rimuru embarrassed.

"Don't worry, I know he's stupid but he's my friend as well" Spoke Yuki with a smile while Rimuru felt like he was stabbed in the heart by Hinata's sword 'I can hear you, you know?' he thought, but no one noticed this and soon they started talking with Veldora and understood how he vanished and his relation to Rimuru…

"Did he come to this forest knowing this?' thought Hinata while staring at Yuki and she was reminded of how he told her he knew about who made Veldora disappear which made the casually smiling man in front of her seem even more mysterious…


The next day, Veldora was tasked with guarding their town during their trip to the meeting which he complained about as he also wanted to join in the fun.

Meanwhile, Rimuru decided to take with him Ranga and Shion while Yuki took with him Kayle and Hinata. Of course, Dantalion and Morgana kept nagging him to tag along and Yuki only accepted if they promised to stay quiet which they reluctantly agreed to…

As they followed the maid through the portal, they arrived at a conference room and it had many demon lords sitting around it already, although not all of them arrived yet…

Rimuru and Yuki each took a seat with their followers standing behind them and they watched as one demon lord after the other entered the room…

First was the giant demon lord Dagruel, then Dino, and then came Roy Valentine, and following him was Luminous Valentine who liked to hide her identity as the true demon lord for some reason but pretending to be a maid. However, she didn't hide the clear hostility on her face as she stared at Yuki especially when she saw Hinata behind him dressed as a butler…

Meanwhile, Hinata on the other hand was shocked to see the pope of the holy empire of Ruberious being one of the demon lords, and her whole world view almost shattered so she turned to Yuki and asked "What's going on?"

Yuki stared at Hinata before he turned his attention to Luminous and it finally hit him 'Wait she doesn't know the truth of the holy empire?' A weird smile made its way to his face before he said "I will explain to you later"

Hinata clenched her hands tightly but she held herself back from acting and simply kept staring at Roy silently unaware that he was the twin brother of the true pope of Ruberious, Louis Valentine.

Afterward, Leon made his entrance followed by Claude and he directly approached Yuki and said "Long time no see"

Yuki stood up from his seat and went to give him a hug "Leon, my brother it has been a while" Leon's mouth twitched slightly but he didn't dodge and allowed Yuki to hug him although after they broke from the hug, he felt like he lost his virginity or something as his body felt somewhat lighter…

'This bastard actually stole my rare necklace' thought Leon while glaring at Yuki who was smiling happily and no one noticed that he was suddenly wearing a necklace around his neck that he wasn't wearing before as he dragged Leon with him and said "Let me introduce you to my friend Rimuru, I'm sure you two will get along fine"

'I can get along with anyone as long as it's not you' Thought Leon while hiding the smirk that almost made its way to his face as his arm gained a new bracelet that wasn't there before…

'Two could play at this game' he thought smugly, and Yuki indeed showed a displeased look on his face when he stared at his stolen bracelet, but in reality, he was laughing loudly inside his head as he thought 'You idiot, even rubber bands are worth more than that trashy bracelet, do you really think I would let you rob me back otherwise!'

As this sneaky fight went on unnoticed, Rimuru and Leon introduced themselves to each other before they each took their seats since Leon wasn't much of a talker. However, this interaction brought a frown to Luminous's face since she didn't like the fact that Leon was truly very close to Yuki and it could mess up her plans…

Not long after, Frey made her appearance… Although she clearly seemed distressed for some reason and they soon understood why as Clayman made his entrance with Milim and kept glaring at Yuki. However, even after some time had passed, Carrion didn't appear and Guy was the last to enter before the portal closed behind him and he said calmly

"Carrion is dead, and his killer is none other than Milim" Everyone's attention suddenly shifted from Rimuru and Yuki to Milim that was sitting beside Clayman with a lost look on her face and those who were familiar with her noticed the weird necklace on her neck that attracted Yuki's attention 'So he does have mind control stones huh, good'

'Isn't that Guy Phobio supposedly works for Carrion?' thought Rimuru not knowing what to make of this but he noticed the look on Yuki's face while staring at Clayman and he knew that everything will be solved soon…

"Why would Milim do such a thing, this is impossible!" Spoke Ramiris who was unsettled by Milim's appearance but Clayman suddenly stood up and said "That guy tried to attack Milim, he only got what he deserved" then he put his hand on Milim's head to imply to them that he was in control of her…

Of course, none of the current demon lords took it seriously except for Ramiris and Rimuru who was barely holding himself back since he considered Milim a friend, but Yuki suddenly smiled and stood up. This immediately caught Clayman's attention as he slammed the table and yelled "What's this lowly human and slime doing here? Do you think anyone can join a meeting between demon lords?"

Yuki's smile widened at this as he approached Clayman and said "Indeed, not everyone is worth attending... And that includes you"

Clayman felt a terrifying wickedness flickering in Yuki's green eyes and immediately said "If you approach me, Milim will kill you"

Yuki tilted his head at him as if he was staring at an idiot before he said "No she wouldn't—" but just as his words fell and he took another step forward, Milim disappeared from her previous position causing the demon lords to raise their eyebrows including Guy as they watched her land a terrifying punch on Yuki's stomach that made the heart of many of the current demon lords shake slightly…

However, after the huge impact of the punch died down, Yuki simply patted Milim's head lovingly and said to Clayman"See, I told you she wouldn't hurt me" before he turned his attention to Milim and said "Okay, you can stop your bad acting now before I really get angry"

'This guy is a monster, if that punch landed on me I would have at least gotten seriously injured' Thought Frey while staring at the smiling Yuki and the other demon lords also started to take him seriously, especially Guy who had a weird smile on his face…

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