
The Neighbors

The Spaceship landed on the blue marble. This was the planet that the other pod split off to. I stared at the mutant birds and ugly lizards. The trees were pink and had gold leaves. It was truly an alien world.

I sensed the ki of the warrior invader. Along with the fragments of the victims that were being slaughtered. It seems I couldn't save them, however I can still save Piccolo and Gohan. Gritting my teeth I rose into the air and sped into the distance.

I saw the warrior he wasn't a sayian. It seemed they were still co-workers as they were in the exact same attire. The alien turned and met my gaze.

"Hengh? You aren't a native of this planet. Are you the reinforcements? These guys weren't much, but what's with the outfit?"

I looked down I was still in the astronaut suit. He couldn't see my face, but it seemed he thought I was a sayian. I spoke calmly, "Do you know where Planet Namek is?"

"Hengh? Eh? How would a low class like me know? That's only shared among the elites.... Wait you don't have a tail!"

"You are right, good job. You want a reward?"

He looked around, "They are dead aren't they?"

I looked at him and at the scouter secured to his ear. I pointed and a single beam shot into it. The alien didn't even have time to dodge. "I am the better you should be talking to."


I smiled, "I think they will." I sped to the side of him and punched through his chest.

"Hengh! Yo-You basta-rrrrd"

His voice trailed off as he dropped to the ground. Looking towards his pod I floated over and climbed in. Opening all the small pockets I found the pod's computer. I checked the logs and coordinates of all visited sites. Finding a common coordinate that this pod visited frequently I committed it to memory.

Staring at the small corpses of the tribal villagers of this planet I paused. I sighed, the coordinates can wait. I will bury the bodies.


Stepping out of my spaceships I got a few looks. However none seemed daring enough to approach me. Making sure to avoid the possible outcome that someone stole the spaceship put all the control in lock and encrypted the language.

The travel here took a week, during that time I broke all the rules Bulma had set for the ships. I used the different internal systems to train myself. Training with no air, or gravity at 40 strength, and the spaceship in free spin.

I could feel the varying levels of power from each of the people on the planet. This station had a few power houses, but from what I could tell none were capable. I didn't have exact numbers, but not a single person here was stronger than me.

I marched through the base and up their steps. Walking past warriors from varying races and species they all kept their eyes down. It seemed they took me as one of theirs. However just like other creatures here, they took my suit as a required outfit. With the dark glass they couldn't see me completely without being close enough.

From the information I took previously I knew how this place operated more or less. Walking up to a counter I stared at the Blue and green creature behind it. "Where is the planet Namek."

He looked around and was breathing heavy, "I-I need to check your Force ID number a-"

"That is not necessary at your rank."

The creature nodded, "O-Of course Sir Ketlus!"

My eyebrows twitched slightly Ketlus? Who was that? The Clerk quickly pulled out a file. "It is yours sir, I wish you luck on your mission. M-May I ask if this is for Frieza or King Cold?"

I stared at the clerk, "That is not for your rank."

The Clerk nodded and looked down at the floor. I turned around and met the eyes of the varying creatures. A few were sayian, some were like the clerk. None the less it seems my appearance is like that of someone named Ketlus. Open the files as I walked it seemed that Namek was in a sector 17 nearing a large space cluster.


Staring down at the planet, I had the spaceship's hatch up. Thankfully Bulma planned for a situation where that was need to be opened while in space. So an adhesive sealant stopped the oxygen form leaving. I raised my hand, a thin glow begun irradiating from my palm.

I have never created an attack on this scale. The glow became greater and my energy begun draining. The Ball of black energy grew in size however matching the size of the ship. I felt it grow in heat and power. This attack didn't really have a name so, I came up with one on the spot.

"Orb of Extinction."

The ball went towards the planet, and as it got closer it sped up. Soon the orb landed and the orb exploded wiping out the station and all the warriors. I no longer sensed any ki from the planet. Uncle Gohan might not approve of my actions... nor would Mom. However these were terrible people, not to mention the mistaken identity.

I thought back to the file on namek. According to the information it was protected by 5 elite sayian warriors. While the Namekians were left to work away using their magic to help the Frieza empire. I re-entered the spaceship slipping through the seal.

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