
Crash Course On How To Nanny

This was a test, Mimi realized, and probably one that would determine her fate - whether she would be given this job or not.

"Of course, I heard about them, your children are quite famous and who knows, if I end up being their nanny, I could be famous as well." Mimi joked and though Reina didn't laugh outright, there was still a trace of a smile on her face.

"That's a given," Reina said, nodding her head and looking a bit lost in thought. Was she making a decision already, Mimi wondered? 

Reina was just about to say something when they were interrupted by another presence and they both looked up to discover that the other applicant just arrived.

"I'm sorry, I'm late, Mrs. Reina. I was just held up in traffic," Winters gave an excuse, still trying to smoothen out her skirt. 

"I understand and call me Reina," She said, gesturing at her to take a seat opposite them. 

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