
She's In Safe Hands

"Oh boy," Victor groaned at that revelation.

"Spencers," Marcel rubbed his forehead at that revelation. Just when he thought things were getting better, it worsened.

Arianna looked between Marcel and Victor in confusion, wondering why they had that look on their faces as if the world had ended. 

"Why? What's wrong?"

Victor was the one who answered, "Let's just say that your father-in-law doesn't have a great reputation, likely the most hated person on earth. Not to mention that he doesn't have a great relationship with the Spencers. No, Sakuzi hates the very feet he steps on." 

Wait a minute, was Victor by chance referring to Daniel. She scowled at him. 

"He's not my father-in-law," she said. 

No, Daniel would have to earn his place as her father-in-law if she ended up marrying Marcel. But then, that would be a problem for her future self. Right now, she had to concentrate on finding Chloe, more like, releasing her from the Spencers. 

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