
Needed Back Home

In a dimly lit room, a certain man sat, looking over a game of chess that he played all by himself. There was a calculating look in the man's gaze as he knocked down the opponent's Rook before he leaned back to coordinate his next move. And that was when he sensed it, the slight ripple in the air. 

Quick as lightning, he pulled out the gun no one noticed he had by his side until he was pointing it at the figure that had infiltrated his place.

"Your highness," the intruder said, his hands raised in surrender to prove he wasn't a threat.

The man holding the gun was no other than Elijah and at the mention of "your highness," the cold look in his blue eyes turned into one of annoyance.

"How did you find me?" His tone was guttural as he hid the gun in his waistband for easy access. As much as he was familiar with this uninvited guest, you never know when you might need it.

"I would always find you," He evaded his question and that was annoying as hell. 

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