
[EMERY] 1.2

"Your job won't be a tour guide," John started, "I specifically requested for locals because you know all the alleyways and secret roads as well as every twist and turn in this city."

He then focused his eyes on Boboy and Caloy as he continued, "You two will show me that. Those hidden routes, roads, and alleyways as well as shortcuts."

His dark blue eyes then locked on Jackson and me. "While you two will show me the way around your province. Specifically, an area that is secluded and not easily found. I can't get this information on a tourist guide, after all. It had to be someone who was born and knew the ins and outs of the place."

"If you don't mind me asking, why do you need to know these things exactly?" I asked, and I swore his eyes twitched like the corner of his mouth, but only for a moment.

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