
Not yet

"Katsuki, what is the result?"

 Katsuki turned his head towards a man leaning against Katsuki's bathroom door. Katsuki gulped slowly, he still looked stiff. While holding a testpack he looks gloomy.

 "Still not working." Katsuki looked down languidly, in his hand was already a testpack which only showed an unpleasant result for Katsuki.

 "You're not pregnant yet?" Shouki asked, he was a little sad that he didn't get the news he expected.

 Apparently Shouki was waiting for news from Katsuki. Katsuki had felt nauseous and had difficulty getting up because he felt dizzy. The lovers were initially convinced that Katsuki was pregnant, the excited Shouki immediately bought ten testpacks for Katsuki.

 But of the ten testpacks that Katsuki used, all of them did not show positive results. Apparently Katsuki was nauseous and dizzy because he had an allergy to one of the foods he ate this morning.

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