
Chapter 252- Addie – Ginger’s Illness Part 5 Volume 3


"Pahh.. Pahh. Pahh." I got the feeling that, with her voice now mysteriously unlocked, Ginger was trying to speak to me, that she was trying to say my name.

"I am here, Ginger. You're trying to say Princess, right?" I asked her, and she nodded vigorously. "I knew it." I grinned at her. 

"What happened here?" Rafner asked, pushing his way closer through the room. "I demand to know what happened! That woman was dying. There was no mistaking it. She had all the signs and symptoms, including the breath that smelled of lavender. That is not easy to overlook. I demand answers."

"Well, I guess you were just wrong." I told him sternly. "She wasn't as sick as you thought. If she had been that sick, then how did she get better?" I demanded, refusing to listen to him any longer. 

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