
Chapter 134- Nolan – Professor Lane’s Office (VOLUME 3)


Together, the six of us marched down the hall and toward the closed door of Professor Lane's office. He had been peeking into the hall just moments before we arrived at Professor Viceman's office, but now he was holed up in there, trying to hide from us.

"Did he leave?" Hunter asked, sensing, like me, that there were no signs of life whatsoever inside of that office.

"Even if he did leave his office, he can't have left the building." The headmaster said as he pounded once again, and futilely, on the door. We all knew that he wasn't in there.

"If he didn't leave, then, where is he?" I asked him, annoyance beginning to color my tone.

"I don't know." The headmaster said with a dark tone to his voice. "You." He pointed at Orson as he spoke. "Can you check with the guards at the doors? See if he has left the area?"

"I would rather search the office. I want to know why this man attacked my niece."

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