Subsequent beeping sounds echoed in the silent dim lit room with a carmine red light illuminating the young man's face amplifying his villainous appearance.
His lips quirked crookedly, his eyes crazed as he stared at the person lying flat in a healing capsule affixed with several cables connected to a weirdly shaped ring with recognizable inscriptions written on it. This ring was a part of one of the arks that left old earth during the Exodus.
Onyx Federation kept the ark in a museum to commemorate their ancestors and the struggles they endured for a better future but in the Republic, however, their ark was stripped for parts and was now being used in this makeshift portal.
"*Sigh... it's only a matter of time until I do what others couldn't do... that is to burn the Federation to the ground," he said as he leaned down with an evil glint in his eyes.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: