
Yes sure... Han Han

Agial had never felt so aggrieved in her entire life. Well, apart from the time she was rejected by Zi Han after confessing to him. Despite her grievance, she clung to him as she was genuinely terrified. Her fear wasn't without merit. That's because just below the feet of her mech something was slowly drifting upwards looking for what had intruded in its territory.

The creature was as blind as a cavefish but felt the vibrations in the water thus it came searching. As it swam in between Agial's feet she yelped silently with her eyes closed.

Zi Han looked down and saw a dark figure slithering up the lake. As it passed in front of his mech the force was so powerful that it pushed back his drifting mech.

With a swoosh, it emerged out of the water and scattered the swarm of despmtors hovering above the water surface.


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