
Coaxing people is hard

Have you ever been compelled to go for a family outing but can't enjoy it because someone you are anticipating a response from isn't responding to your messages?

Well, Zi Han had that exact experience today. No matter how hard he tried to enjoy images of an old earth, texts and paintings his mind would subconsciously sway to his light brain and each time it dinged he would hurriedly unlock it to take a look only for him to be disappointed time and time again.

Thus the rarely seen grumpy Han Han with the aura of the Grinch manifested himself. He found no joy in going to the rooftop restaurant that served the most unique cuisines in the federation. He put up a smile and made sure not to ruin his grandpa's day but his heart was elsewhere.

He just wanted to be under his quilt and blow up Yi Chen's light brain with dozens of calls. Clearly, he wasn't in the right head space and he carried over this same state to the next day.


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