
Chapter 5

[Nure has used Blood Storm]

[Nure has used Blood Rise]

An ominous aura shrouded the boss room leaving Antares temporarily blind.

'This aura is doing corrosion damage, I have to get out of it.' Antares said as he jumped into the air and spewed a column of flames downwards. His fire did nothing to the aura and he heard the skittering of bugs. Antares kept himself afloat with Flame Control and saw the aura subside.

'I hate this place.' Antares said as had saw thousands of scissor bugs emerge from the ground. The scissor bugs were redder in color and had longer blades, they also had large pairs of wings.

"BURN!!" Antares put 40 MP into Fire Breath and spit a concentrated beam of fire. The fire washed over the horde of scissor bugs and turned them into dust.

[1500 Exp gained]

[850 gold gained]


[Nure has used Blood Wave]

'I can't catch a break!' Antares said as he created a veil of flames to melt the giant wave of blood heading towards him. Nure used this moment of distraction to rush Antares. Nure swung down using 4 out of her six blades and Antares blocked the attack with his blade but was sent flying into a wall.

"KAH!" Antares coughed up an unhealthy amount of blood and looked at Nure with rage.

"TRANSFORM!" Antares transformed into a dragon once again and used Dragon's Roar. Nure was slightly stunned and Antares used Flame Control on his jaws and bit down on Nure's exoskeleton.

"SKREEE!!" Nure screeched as Antares' flames coated jaws made their way deeper into her exoskeleton. Antares whipped his head and launched her into a wall.

[Nure has used Queens Vengeance]

Nure's wounds healed and she got a quick boost in strength. Nure charged forward and clashed her blades with Antares' flame-coated claws.

'Guttural Strike!' Antares mentally commanded as a large wave of fire ripped through Nure's exoskeleton once again. Nure was launched into the cave walls once again but Antares didn't give her any time to use another skill. Antares charged up a Flame Breath and spit a concentrated beam of crimson fire with hints of blue. The beam washed over Nure and started to melt the stone behind her.

"SKREE!!" Nure screamed as she was being turned to ash alive. Antares stopped spitting the beam of fire once he got a system notification.

[3400 Exp gained]

[1000 gold gained]

[Nure's Blade of Gore gained]

[Nure's Earrings of Death gained]

[Quest: Kill Hive Queen Nure and her entourage. Complete!]

[1 Epic Item gained, 1 skill rune gained, 6000 Exp gained, 3400 gold gained]

[Level Up!]

[+3 Stat Points gained, All stats +1]

[Ailments Recovered!]

[Level Up!]

[+3 Stat Points gained, All stats +1]

[Ailments Recovered!]

Antares returned to normal and sighed heavily.

'I need a shot.' Antares said as a red portal opened and he stepped through it.

'Status.' Antares said as he walked through the portal and a holographic screen appeared.


Name: Antares Interitus

HP: 224

Level: 7

Race: Human

Age: 17

Job: N/A

Exp: 1250/7000

SP: 6

Gold: 12925


MP: 112

STR: 26 (+16)

AGL: 24 (+12)

VIT: 21 (+22)

INT: 31 (+25)

SENS: 21 (+17)



Fire Breath: Fire capable of turning normal humans to dust using MP. (15 MP)

Superhuman Strength: Capable of lifting 1,392 lbs with raw physical strength.

Dragon's Roar: An MP-infused roar capable of instilling fear in normal humans. (5 MP)

Dragon Transformation: Able to transform into a large 100ft dragon for 15 minutes. While in this state all base stats are doubled. (25 MP)

Stealth: Absolute camouflage capable of hiding from anything short of a cosmic level being. (2 MP/s)

Fire Control: Control fire to some degree. (1 MP/s)

Guttural Strike: A passive skill that allows the user to do more bleed damage and has a high chance of dismembering opponents. Can also be used as an active skill that will rip opponents to shreds. (10 MP per use of the active skill.)]

'Getting stronger and stronger day by day.' Antares said as the portal closed and he was shocked at the state of the city.

'What the hell happened? Four hours ago, the city was fine. Now it's almost in ruins' Antares said and the system explained.

[Time dilation is the cause. One hour in a non-time stopped dungeon is a day in real-time. You've been in that dungeon for the equivalent of 4 earth days.]

'So it only happens with dungeons I'm not supposed to be in? Why?' Antares asked as he saw a green beast crush an alien to a fine paste.

[When time stops in a dungeon it means the dungeons mana and your mana are in sync. The dungeon you just left wasn't in sync with your mana due to you not having the mana requirements to be in tune.]

'Oh alright, so what's going on? Why is the city like the way it is?' Antares asked as he saw a giant blue portal open in the sky.

[The only information I can give you is the name. It's called the Chitauri Invasion.]

'Well, that was useful.' Antares said sarcastically as a Leviathan flew above him.

'Could I perhaps grind these 'Chitauri' like I would a monster in a dungeon?' Antares asked as he looked up.

[As long as you kill it, you can get Exp from anything besides plants and small insects.]

'Don't have to tell me twice! Examine my new blade and earrings along with the epic item I got.' Antares said as he used Flame Control to fly on top of a building.

[Nure's Blade of Gore

Rarity: Epic

Type: Sword

+75 Attack

+25 STR

A blade made out of Nure's claws. Specifically made to tear through meat and bones and ripping apart armor.

Effect: Massive Bleed, Dismemberment, Ignore Armor.]

The sword had a golden hilt with a red gem embedded in the middle along with a jagged blood red blade.

[Nure's Earrings of Death.

Rarity: Epic

Type: Earrings

+25 INT

+25 SENS

+25 VIT

Earrings made out of Nure's burnt chitin. Emits a deathly aura the more the user kills.

Effect: Fear, Death Miasma.]

The earrings were a pair of black hanafudu earrings that emitted a purple aura.

[Soaring Dragon Greaves (1/3)

Rarity: Epic

Type: Armor, Set Item

+45 AGL

+30 VIT

+15 STR

Greaves made from a dead Cosmic Dragon. Its mana has mostly dissipated but hasn't lost its effects.

Effect: Fast Movement, Strong Legs.]

The greaves were scaly and red. Antares smiled and equipped everything.

'Now, let's start the massacre!' Antares said as he jumped up and flew in the air using Fire Control. Antares found a Leviathan and tested his new blade on its armored skin.

"Guttural Strike!" Antares attacked the Leviathan from behind and it was split into three.

[100 Exp gained]

[50 gold gained]

Antares landed on the ground and looked at where most of the action was taking place.

'Action equals Exp.' Antares said as he ran towards where most of the Chitauri and Leviathans were flying towards. Antares arrived and saw a group of 5 Humans plus one Asgardian standing in a circle as they fought off the Invasion.

'Hmm, six people capable of fighting off an alien invasion. In my previous world, they would be Hunters but I think those are The Avengers.' Antares said as he watched from a distance. Ironman eventually spotted Antares as he wasn't using Stealth.

"What are you doing here kid? The city should've been evacuated." Ironman said as the rest of The Avengers looked towards Antares.

"Don't speak to me like I'm some child, I could probably beat all of you except long hair and the green beast over there." Antares said as he jumped off the building he was standing on.

"Man this kids got a mouth on him." Hawkeye said and Antares rolled his eyes.

"I'm here to kill whatever is invading my city. You six can do whatever hero business you have to do." Antares said as he jumped onto a building and kicked off the building and used his momentum to split a Leviathan in half.

"Okay, maybe the kid wasn't bluffing." Ironman said and Thor laughed.

"He'd make a great Asgardian! Perhaps I should challenge him after we deal with my brother." Thor said with a hearty laugh.

"Are we really going to let a kid fight alone? Shouldn't we help him out or something?" Captain America asked.

"Sure you can, once you split one of those things in half with a single swipe." Ironman said sarcastically.

"Not funny Tony, Cap' is right. Could we call ourselves The Avengers if we let a kid fight an Invasion alone?" Black Widow said seriously.

"I said stop calling me a kid." Antares said as he appeared behind Black Widow and caught her fist.

"Holy shit! He can use magic too, this kid is special!" Thor said and Hulk agreed with a grunt.

"Now don't you guys have an Invasion to fight or something?" Antares said as he let go of Black Widow's fist and vanished as he activated Stealth.

"Perhaps I should delve into the mystic arts." Thor said as he flew away with Mjolnir.

'Well, that was a nice introduction. I don't see the big deal in wanting to be a hero for, the sake of the people? Fuck the people.' Antares said as he jumped off another tall building and landed on the ground with a large crash.

'Time to level up.' Antares said as he began slaughtering everything in sight.

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