

Jennifer too was in shock, as she and the others were escorted to their sleeping quarters in this house sized room.

Once Kena opened the door, Jennifer's eyes became… let's just put it like this; she was neither disappointed nor jealous. In the room, there was a huge, king-sized bed with a white ball of energy, just floating around the room. At the window sill, you could see the rest of the Subaru house. The next room led to the bathroom, as well as their luggage, placed in a huge black drawer. At least, that's what she saw. Everyone's clothes were almost automatically arranged, quite neatly as they were just floating there.

"If the air conditioner is too cold for you, don't worry. You can just turn on the heat pad under your bed. You should feel it getting warmer after about 3 minutes. And your pillow too can be automatically warm or cold, whichever you want," Kena informed them all, politely demonstrating as she explained.

Jennifer had a dumbfounded expression on her face. If this kind of technology existed, why didn't Isakawa buy her one? He knows that she sleeps a lot. Jennifer glared at Isakawa, who nervously looked away from her, immediately understanding her intent.

"My husband would buy me a pillow like this when we go home right?" she gave him a sweet sadistic smile as she gripped his arm firmly.

"Of.. course don't worry Jennifer…," Isakawa stammered at his angry wife.

Isakawa looked at Shiro with pleading eyes saying 'help me out.'

Shiro just looks at him and shakes her head in disappointment, "It's your fault daddy."

Jennifer and Isakawa were left in the room alone as Shiro, Tael and Sally were escorted to another room.


The next room was another luxurious room, almost identical to the first one, but the bed and space was a little smaller. "This is where your maid Sally shall sleep." Kena told them. "Thank you madam Kena, I shall excuse myself now.", and the maid took her leave.

Kena turned to Shiro and Tael, "Shiro and Tael, your room is around the corner."

"Our room!?" The two exclaimed in harmony, looking with absolute shock.

Tael was stuttering trying to piece his words together: "You want us to sleep in the same room?!"

"Honestly, I don't care." Replied Kena in an uninterested tone.

"Why don't we have different room's? I'm a boy and she's a… It's not appropriate." Tael exclaimed, with a slight blush.

"Yes you are correct." Kena said to Tael, which caught him by surprise.

"I am? I mean yes. I am." Tael stated trying not to sound surprised.

"Indeed. In that you are a boy. Not a man." Kena stated firmly with a smile on her face.

Tael felt the urge to fall to the floor, in his defeat. Kena's words struck his heart like a sword piercing through paper. But, she wasn't wrong. It's not wrong for two children to sleep in the same room.

"Hehehehehe," Shiro giggled at Tael and Kena's quarreling. Unlike Tael, Shiro didn't mind, because she really wanted a roommate.

Since Tael couldn't convince Kena to provide individual room's, he just had to admit defeat. There was no alternative, but to sleep in the same room as Shiro. On the bright side, the room wasn't actually that bad. Their bed was like a bunk bed but not the usual kind of bunk bed.

It consisted of two big bunk beds, which were attached to the end of the wall. The one bed at the bottom and the other just above the first. There was also a ladder that connected to the top bed, so the person could get up top.

Both bed's had dark purple, neon lights that glowed around the bed. In front of the two beds, were one TV for each as well as nice comfy blankets and pillows.

Their clothes were quickly placed in the drawer, just like Shiro's parents had.

Shiro settled down on the couch in the middle of the room, which had a glass coffee table.

"I hope you enjoy your stay here young lads."

"Thanks Kena," Shiro thanked Kena politely with a smile, which made Kena's face blush a little.

"No worries, Ahem I must also remind you that all family members are to attend the family dinner so you must sleep and get ready in 4 hours. If you're hungry there are snacks in the refrigerator."

"Okay," Shiro responded with a smile on her face and Kena left the room, closing the door as silently as possible.

Once Kena was gone Shiro quickly jumped on the bottom of the bunkbed and covered herself up with the blanket.

"Hehehehe, I call bottom bunk," Shiro giggled cutely, as she rubbed herself on the bed. The bed had a sweet scent and was also extremely comfortable.

Tael just stared at Shiro, wondering how he should react to her behaviour. He never had friends before this, so this was a difficult situation and a new experience for him. He stopped pondering after some time and floated to the top of the bunk bed as Shiro was busily admiring the bed.

"Tael," Shiro called out to him.

"Yes Shiro?" Tael responded.

"Thank you. For being my roommate," Shiro said in a happy voice as her eyes became heavy and she drifted off to sleep.

"Heh. You're strange Shiro. Sleep well." Tael said, with a smirk, as he turned over.




"Huh where am I?" Shiro asked herself as she felt like she was in another place.

A familiar breeze swept by her as she remembered, "Wait I know this place."

"But I feel something squishy. And is that… someone crying?" She said to herself as her eye were closed.

Shiro struggled a little to open her eyes due to the pressure, but succeeded to open her eyes after some few minutes and felt something was off. She looked up to see a lady with long black hair. She had tears dropping down from her golden eyes, to her face. Whenever a tear fell down on Shiro's cheek there was this chilly feeling that accompanied it. Shiro's head was also pressed against the woman's large breasts. Hence the soft, squishy feeling.

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