
Chapter 28

His Weakness (Part 4):

"Let me stay here with you a bit to keep you company my son." The unknown woman said. "I know how hard it is for you."


Galore Palace:

Ruthless walked into the dinning room to have his dinner and went to his usual position, hardly had he settled down when Queen Lati voice was heard.

"How dare you lay your filthy hands on my son?" She asked and as usual Ruthless kept quiet. "You are not even worthy to stand before my son not to talk of breathing in the same air as him."

"Lati that is enough," Galore warned.

Ignoring Galore warnings, she continues, "Apart from talking back to my son who is your senior in public and laying your dirty hands on him, you dare try to steal his woman also. Anyway, I can only forgive you wholeheartedly if you stay away from Vala." Queen Lati laid out her terms and conditions for Ruthless. She smiled at her son as Ruthless didn't say a word, he continued to eat.

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