
113. New dawn

His eyelids felt heavy and his body was numb. Although it was already midday, the low light of this winter day suited the atmosphere perfectly. A slight movement of motion was smoothly rocking him and encouraged him to stay deep in sleep.

If it wasn't for his mate who was shaking him gently, Eden would have continued his escapade in the land of dreams. The dominant's hand insisted once again and the omega's eyelids slid over the eyes to reveal the golden irises with amber reflections.

His dilated pupils immediately shrunk to the size of a pinhead and he stared sleepily at his mate who offered him a gentle smile that make his heart flutter.

The blond looked around them and saw that they were in the backseat of a car. He opened his mouth to ask a question but Glen beat him.

"We're on our way back and we're almost at the cave."

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