
111. A new foe

The thud sound on the ground of heads severed from their packmates' bodies, seemed to be the only noise they were able to hear. The leader of Bloodhood watched them as they rolled for a few seconds, then stopped. His brain couldn't process what he was watching. Time felt like frozen as the whips still held the now headless bodies of his fighters aloft.

Silver eyes paused on each of the heads as the alpha was trying to make sure they were indeed his packmates. To make sure it wasn't a nightmare. He blinked yet nothing changed. The preposterous sight still displayed before his eyes.

Suddenly, the dark energy whips retracted from the bodies and dropped them on the ground to form a cocoon around the Skinwalker. The nine bodies followed their heads in a series of nine consecutive thuds.

Silver couldn't do anything but stared at the bloody, irrefutable evidence of the carnage that had occurred seconds ago and anger prevailed.

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