
Chapter Ten : Where do we escape?

If silence would be a person, he or she would be scared to see itself in the Potter household today. After being stopped by their parents, specifically their mother, the Potter brother sat next to each other on the dining table with their sister beside them. James for the first time was experiencing eating without making noise and every bite he took seemed to be a war training. Albus still engulfed in his anger over his sister's betrayal and his brother's harsh words was ignoring the daggers his mother was shooting him every now and then. And finally there were Lily and Harry, who kept sighing every now and then, not having the courage to speak anything.

When finished with dinner, both Albus and James, tried to get up quietly but were stopped by their mother. 'Both of you are going to do the dishes.'

'Mom...' James started but Ginny didn't let him finish.

'And you're going to do it without using magic.'

'Mom!' James whined.

'Don't you dare!' Ginny stood up her eyes flared up. James gulped.

'I'm sorry. But that's not fare. You don't even know whose mistake it was.'

'Then tell me. Why were you fighting?'

James looked at Albus and then back at his mother. 'Just like that.' Harry rolled his eyes and Ginny banged her hands on the table. It was a well known trait to them that their kids no matter how upset or angry at each other, would never betray their siblings.

'Fine then. If you're not going to tell me, go wash dishes and don't forget without the magic.' Ginny said and went to her room with Harry following her.

'Don't stress about it.' He said massaging her shoulders.

'How can I not? Didn't you see how they were fighting? They were on the floor grabbing each other's collars, Harry! How can I not stress about it?'

'I'll talk to them tomorrow. I'm sure by then they'll be ready to talk.'

'Why don't you try talking to Lily?' Ginny turned to face Harry.

'I don't think she'll out them.'

'At least try. May be she'll say something to you.' Harry knew there was no point in trying because his kids were a tight bunch and not even him or Ginny could get in, but to give Ginny some peace he still went to Lily's room and knocked.

'Dad, you don't need to knock.' Lily's voice came and the door opened.

Harry smiled and entered. 'How did you know it was me?'

'I know mom wouldn't try to get even more angry by talking to me right now. It makes her furious when she doesn't gets the answer she wants.' Harry laughed lightly.

'So are you going to give me the answer instead?' He asked with hope.

'You know I can't.'

'I thought so.'

'But I can say that whatever it is, will be sorted out. To think of it now, it isn't even that big a deal.'

'Then why were they fighting like animals?'

'Because they are animals.' And both Lily and Harry laughed.

'Lily! They're you're brothers.' Harry warned trying hard not to smile.

'Ya right.' Lily said and threw her head back to laugh a little more. That's when Harry saw a scar on her forehead.

'Lily! What's that?' He came forward and examined her face.

'Nothing. I...um....slipped at the apartment. Just a little bruise and nothing else.'

'It looks fresh. Does it hurts?'

'No. No I'm fine.'

'Are you sure?' Harry kept asking in concern.

Lily was about to tell him again that she was fine when a sound came from the window. Both of them turned their attention to the owl who was knocking on the window pane. Harry opened the window and tried to get hold of the owl but it flew to Lily who took the letter tied to it's legs. And immediately it flew away.

'Who is that?' Harry asked pointing to the letter.

Lilly scanned the cover, there was no name, which only meant it was from.....

'A friend.'


'Someone I met in France.'

Harry shifted his weight on his other foot. 'A guy? Are you dating someone?'

'Not really. We're just talking.' Lily replied.

'If it is someone you know then why isn't there any name on it?'

'Because this guy know my dad is head auror and is very scared of you.' Lily teased and then grinned.

'What are you talking about? I'm not scary.' Harry defended.

'Dad, I think it's pretty late. You should get back to mom or she's going to go after Albus and James, which won't end well for any of us.'

'Okay, I get it. Now you're a grown up and want to read you're friend's letter alone. Now I get what Ron was talking about when he said Rose had become secretive as she grows up.'


'Okay! Okay! I'm leaving. Good night.'

'Good night, Dad.' Lily waved as Harry left her room. She waved her wand and locked the door. Tearing open the cover, she took out the letter and read it.

'Dear Lily,

I don't know if you're awake of not but there is something we need to talk about.


A little disappointed for she was expecting to read some romantic lines, Lily wrote back to Scorpius that she indeed was awake and that he needed lessons on romance. A little later, Lily's owl came back with Scorpius's reply.

'Why are you awake till now? Catching up with your parents?

Also I'm ready to learn everything you want to teach me about romance but first there's something I've to tell you.

Did you talk to Albus? Did he behave differently?'

Lily wrote back that she know Albus knows about them and if Scorpius wanted to talk about it only. A reply came and Scorpius confirmed what she asked. She again sent a letter telling him that she would not only do anything to protect her relationship with him but would also make sure that she doesn't cause strain in his friendship with Albus.

'I trust you.' That was what the letter which came after she sent hers read. But what was strange was that when she opened the letter she had read it in her mind but someone actually said those words out loud. She looked around and then her eyes fell on the boy smiling at her from the window.

'Scorpius!' She ran towards the window. 'What are you doing here?' She looked down and he was on his broom.

'Can I come in?' He asked biting his lip, which Lily thought was absolutely cute.

She helped him get in and set his broom aside before closing the window. They both looked at each other. Scorpius put his hands in the back pockets of his denims, not knowing what to say. Looking at how nervous he was, she went on her toes and gave him a peck on the cheek.

'Relax. You've been in this house before.'

'But I never come through the window.'

'I was wondering how the owl was getting the letter at this speed.'

'I was standing outside. I wanted to talk to you about Albus and couldn't this morning so....' Lily stepped up again and kissed him, this time on the lips.

'It's a good thing that Albus knows about us. It would've been a burden to hide it from him. So don't worry, with time he will understand.'

'What if he doesn't?' Fear of loosing his friendship was there in Scorpius's eyes.

Lily placed her hand on his cheek and said, 'Albus is the more understanding one when it comes to my brother. I'm sure he will understand. I will talk to him when his anger calms down.'

'I will try to talk to him too.' Lily nodded. Scorpius took her hand and kissed it.

Lily hugged him and said, 'You've got some guts. Entering Harry Potter's home through a window.'

'Well, I was missing my girlfriend and when I miss her I tend to act all hero.' Scorpius said smugly. Lily smacked him lightly on the back and laughed.

'How can you miss me? You just saw me this morning.' She said lifting her head to look at him.

He looked down and kissed her forehead. 'Seeing you once a day is not enough for my heart, it wants to see you every second.'

'That was so cringe!' Both of them laughed.

'To be honest, Albus and his reaction to us kept going through my mind. I just wanted to see if you were okay.'

'I'm okay as long as I can be with you.' Lily looked at his lips and then met his eyes and then again her gaze went to her lips. But before her eyes could shift their attention Scorpius kissed her, his palms holding her face. They moved as they kept their lips locked and soon fell on the bed.

'I don't think we should do it here.' Scorpius said as he broke the kiss.

'I agree. My parents and my brothers are all in this house right now.'

'You saying that made it even more scarier.'

Lily laughed and Scorpius put a hand on her mouth. 'Shh. You're family will throw me out the same window I came in from, if they find out I'm here.'

She removed his hand from her mouth and said, 'Okay. But my family is everywhere. How much and from who all are we going to hide?'

'You're right. So where do we escape?' He asked.

Lily started thinking and just looking at her face Scorpius wanted to kiss her again. To refrain from going for another make out session, he sat up. Lily too got up and said, 'I know.'

'What?' Scorpius looked at her.

'I know where do we escape.' She smiled and continued, 'To the moonlit town.'

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