
Dragon Sea

06/24/1820, a day before the tournament.

In the beach, south of the Majarlica City, there arrives the same carriage and the same coachman from the first appearance of Ceed and Zen.

The carriage stopped beside the country road.

Biel, Cali, and Mica stepped out of the carriage. Biel carried the bag storing food, tents and clothes.

Mica: "We are finally here!"

Ceed: "Are you really not gonna join us, Mr. Porto?"

Porto: "There's no need, young master. Besides, someones got to watch over the carriage."

Ceed: "I see. Thank you Mr. Porto."

Zen and Ceed stepped out and follows.

Zen: "Dragon sea, a vast sea right in the middle of the Agham kingdom. Ship vessels pass here to transport goods and people all over the kingdom. This sea connects all four cities of Agham's trade of goods."

Biel: "Do those "goods" include slaves?"

Zen: "Slave system was abolished 80 years ago, 25 years after the age of wars ended. People realized that its too cruel."

Cali: "105 years of no national conflicts made humanity focus on advancement, huh."

Mica: "Im sure thats a common knowledge. Im surprised you didnt knew."

Ceed: "What are you guys still doing over there? Come on enjoy the vacation!"

Cali: "Alright!"

Zen: "Mica, what do you think of this?"

Mica: "A bathing suit? What is it for?"

Zen: "Im giving this one to you, lets wear them for today!"

Mica: "Isnt that expensive and too... revealing?"

Zen: "It fine! These clothes wont get too heavy if it gets soaked. And theyre also stylish in some way!"

Mica: "I dont really get noble's taste in fashion. But thank you."

Zen created two cubicles out of earth.

Zen: "Let's change here."

Few minutes later.

Mica: "The clothes design is really simple."

Zen: "Im telling you, this will be the fashion trend in the future."

Ceed: "What is that?"

Zen: "Theyre bikinis. How was it?"

Cali: "Woah, I thought you guys are prostitu-"

Zen gave him a glare like she already knew what he's about to say.

Cali: "Looks good!"

Zen: "Dont lie."

Cali: "But seriously, it looks cute."

Cali pats Zen's head.

Zen took Cali's hand off.

Zen: "Alright. You dont have to tease me like that."

Zen turns around and smiles.

Mica: "Thank you."

Ceed: "Hurry into the water while its still cold."

Zen: "Lets test these clothes if theyre actually effective. Coming!"

Biel: "I'll go set up the shade tent."

Cali: "Let me help."

Mica: "I'll go get the food."

Mica thought to herself: "Its a relief to see them enjoying after the non-stop training. Their hardwork deserve all of this."

Cali: "Its done. We did a great job on this one."

Mica: "Let's eat the food before it gets spoiled from the heat. I know you guys are already hungry from hours of traveling."

Biel: "What do we have here?"

Mica: "Fruits, bread, and chilled milk as beverage."

Cali: "Mmmm, Milk."

Mica: "Here you go, Cali. I knew you like this."

Mica handed the milk.

Cali: "O-oh. Thank you."

Cali took the milk and a few fruits.

Zen suddenly felt her mana being controlled by outside force.

Cali puts the fruits in the glass of milk and crushed it like using a blender.

Cali made a beverage.

Cali: "You guys want some?"

Zen approaches Cali and flicks her finger, hitting his forehead.

Zen: "Stop that!"

Cali: "Alright. You can have this I guess."

Zen: "As you should."

Ceed whispers: "Tsundere as ever."

Minutes later, they finished eating.

Ceed, Mica and Zen rests on the wooden sun loungers with full stomach.

Zen: "Its good to be alive."

Ceed: "I can finally rest after those intense trainings."

Mica: "Tomorrow we will be in great condition to compete."

Cali: "I want to go swimming."

Cali headed towards the sea. Biel follows.

Biel: "Watch out. You might get cramps while swimming."

Cali swam further from the beach.

Cali: "Hey Biel, how about a swimming race-"

Biel reaches him in an instant.

Biel: "Sorry, what did you say?"

Cali: "Nothing important."

Biel: "If you say so."

Biel: "Wanna race?"

Cali: "You're on. But dont blame me if you cried."

Biel: "Using magic isn't allowed."

Cali: "I'd beat you without it."

After a couple of rounds, Cali lost by a landslide.

Ceed: "Let me join you two."

Cali: "Dont join a match that you're going to lose."

After a few more rounds, Biel is on average the first place and Ceed is mostly second place. Cali on the other hand never won atleast once.

Cali: "Im already tired. Nice match, you two."

Biel: "Same here. Nice match."

Ceed: "Nice match."

Ceed goes back to the beach and rests.

Biel: "Does she remind you of Sintha? Im talking about Mica."

Cali: "Of course, theyre like the same person."

Biel: "So you really love her?"

Cali: "Who are you talking about?"

Biel: "You know who."

Cali sighs: "It appears that I do. Though its too late now."

Both of them came back to the shore afterwards.

All of them sat and rests for few hours under the tent.

They all watched the sunset.

Zen: "Its time to go home."

Cali, Ceed, and Biel carried back the tent and foods back to the carriage.

Porto: "Was that all of it?"

Ceed: "Yes, lets go."

They set off without problem.

"Based on my experience, anyone who does kind and evil deeds have their own reason why theyre doing so. It takes different kinds of perspective to understand them." -Sintha Reina

From now on I will be uploading new chapters only in saturdays, sundays, or both. Im not saying every saturday or sunday though.

Im also most likely be uploading more frequent on february.

Kokuseicreators' thoughts
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