

The queen was shaking, filled with anger and anxiety she stared at her daughter's empty room with stormy eyes, her fists clenched on her sides. Aleron placed his palm on her shoulder, worried and unaware of what had happened. 

"What's wrong?" he asked her and she turned around. 

"They are after our children. All of them, the Bloody People want them." she stated and pressed the letter on Aleron's chest, unable to tell him everything.

The maid she had screamed at before was looking with wide eyes, not knowing if she should stay or leave when the queen's eyes landed on her. She gulped, scared about what she was going to say but her head fell, waiting. 

"Tell the guards to search the palace, to search every piece of land in this kingdom. I need to know where Nelia is, if she is safe or if…if they took her. They have two hours. Go! Now!" she ordered and the woman left, running on the shiny marble. 

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