
Why didn't you tell me?

Ian was shocked by the way she spoke to him. He wondered where that soft-spoken girl that he met a year ago was, But even so, He won't give up on her.

 "You can't end it alone." 

Lara heard him say and she turned around and she found him right In front of her, His handsome face was just like ever, But she can't allow herself to be swayed by this beautiful man. No, Because their relationship wasn't that deep for him to walk with her on this path that's filled with lots of pain and tears, Staying in hospitals for long hours, Watching her get sick after receiving chemical therapy.

Lara didn't want him to give her empty promises only to leave her halfway, She didn't want this kind of heartbreaking, Not now when she needs to focus all her energy on getting better.

"You speak as if I took advantage of you when nothing happened. We only dated for a month and yet you're acting as if we're deeply in love." Lara said, chuckling.

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