
High to Low Life

After grabbing her staff, Megumin makes her way to the roof, and finds Ancano standing in the usual duelling area. Tiffania, Illococoo, and Maria were already present, and the trio walks over to Megumin while attempting to stop her from participating.

"You are far too young to be duelling anyone! Maria states, firmly grasping Megumin's arm to stop her from going anywhere.

Tiffania nods, "I won't let my familiar do something stupid while she's not in her right mind."

"Aw? Are we not going to watch little sis beat that annoying elf guy?" Illococoo remarks from the side but is thoroughly ignored.

"I... Am not too young! I am perffectly good at magic! I'll wipe that ssstupid smile off of that dumb guy's face!" she slurs out.

Maria frowns, "I'm putting my foot down, you will not fight him! Do you understand?"

Megumin sniffs in irritation at her, "You're not myyy mother! And I'm not a chiiild. I'll dooo what I want!" she says while looking over at Ancano, finding him glaring at her with an arrogant and smug expression written on his face.

"So all those words were just blustering then, girl? That's what I thought. Poor Mages should stay in their station, performing magic tricks for children, or on the sides of streets for coin." he states, angering Megumin, especially since she had performed tricks for gold in her original world, when she was constantly on the verge of starving, lacking anyone to help her in her travels.

"T-hhhats it! FIGHT ME!" she exclaims, breaking Maria's grasp on her and stumbling into the duelling ring as everyone watches.

Tiffania attempts to intervene but finds herself face to face with Ancano, "The girl has already accepted the duel, do you wish to offend the Thalmor? False-breed?"

"I won't let you harm her, can't you see she's not in her right mind? She can't possibly accept it!"

Ancano shakes his head, "I've read your College's rules from top to bottom, left to right, back to front, the state of the duelists' matters not, only that they both accept. To interfere in an established duel is cause for immediate expulsion, along with a litany of other punishments depending on the severity of the breach... Please, test me, False-breed." the elf states, already planning out what to do to Tiffania when the girl interferes... He had no doubt that she would, and he'd have the full support of the Arch-Mage to do as he likes.

Tiffania scowls at the man, wondering if it would really be so bad to kill him on the spot right now. Even if she'd get expelled from the College, she refused to let this man hurt Megumin.

"D-don't worry! I gooot this!" Megumin says from the side with an eager smile, sending many obvious winks at Tiffania as she does so.


Tiffania decides to stay silent and watch, only stepping in if the situation looks dire enough. Who knows, maybe Megumin could pull one over on Ancano...?

Thus, with Faralda adjudicating over the duel, both Megumin and Ancano stand opposite one another, each waiting for the signal to begin. Though, even now everyone could see just how out of it Megumin really is. Even standing still she was having trouble maintaining her balance...

"You asked for this you muddle-headed simpleton! To stain the honour of the Thalmor is your greatest and last sin." Ancano taunts.

Megumin shakes her head, "nuh uh, the onnnly thing I stained was your boots!" she cheekily retorts, pointing a finger down at Ancano's still-vomit covered shoes.

"Indeed. And you will pay for it with your life."

"With her life? Man, this guy is a huge piece of shit." one of the audience members remark, causing many more to begin commenting on Ancano's conduct. Sure, duelling someone for your honour was something, but duelling a young drunk girl to the death for soiling your shoes? If Ancano wasn't backed by the Thalmor many would have intervened at this point...

Faralda lets out a sigh at having to watch over this farce, reluctantly raising his hand before bringing it down to begin the duel. "Begin!"

Ancano instantly raises a powerful ward with one hand and readies another spell in the other, but doesn't cast yet in favour of observing what Megumin decided to do.

He was disappointed to find her not yet performing any magic, instead twirling her staff around and slurring out some kind of prewritten speech... He couldn't really hear her over the sound of his ward, though, he could catch bits and pieces... What's this about a cataclysmic spell of world destruction?... Is she mad?

"Annnd be prepared to face all of my magic! FOR I AM-"


A pebble shoots over Megumin's shoulder courtesy of Ancano, the Thalmor having enough of her random spiel. "You will take this seriously, or you will die a fool!"

Megumin blinks a couple times before nodding, "FFFine! Fiiiireeee Balll!" she exclaims, thrusting her staff at Ancano... And not doing anything but making sounds as if she'd actually cast the spell.

Tiffania palms her face, wondering if Megumin even knew where she was right now... "Ancano! Stop this! She doesn't even know what she's doing!"

Ancano sneers, "Even so, if a fool ers, a fool must still be punished!" he exclaims, shooting a small shard of ice at Megumin which hits the side of her arm, tearing a good amount of flesh away from it.

"OOOWWW! THAT REEAALLLY HURT!" Megumin exclaims, dropping her staff as here and went to her injury, causing her to groan more as she touches the raw injured flesh.

"And that's much more coming, girl! You chose this!" Ancano laughs, wondering when the girl's friends would step in. Unfortunately for him, his wishes were soon answered...


Ancano is sent skittering across the ground, tumbling head over foot as the crowd clears a path for him, not wanting to get knocked over by the flying elf's body.

They all look over after the elf lands, spotting Michael with his fist extended and wearing a furious expression...

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

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Faruk Ereng

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