

The Dragonborn would already be freakishly strong, but while corrupted and enhanced by the Ebony Blade? That was potentially apocalyptic shit.

Michael shakes such thoughts from his head and focuses again on Balgruuf, "The Blade is currently sealed, and I think it will remain that way unless people start tampering with it. As you already know, I am a fairly strong magic user, so I think I can keep it safe until we find a more permanent way of dealing with it... While you might not know my character much yet, please believe that I wouldn't dare put my family at risk by trying to use it."


Balgruuf lets out a long sigh, "Where is it sealed, show me, let Farengar see if what you saw is true."

Michael nods, holding out his hand and making a show of materialising the book, causing Farengar to lean forward in interest. The man bounces from his position and quickly makes his way to Michael, looking over the book with keen eyes.

Michael refuses to allow the man to hold it, but it seemed that looking at the book alone was enough to 'slake his thirst'... For now at least.

"This... W-what... Is this?" the Court Mage mutters, conjuring a spell in his hand to analyse the magic contained in the object, only for his hand to be repulsed away.

"What is it?" the Jarl asks, curious at his Mage's findings.



"I-. I don't know, my Jarl. My magic suggests that the object we are seeing isn't even there. As if it didn't exist in the first place. Where did you acquire this, Michael Tahlin?"

Michael shrugs, "You could say I was born with it. I was just suddenly able to summon it..." he smirks, "Maybe I was blessed by the Gods?"


The others at Balgruuf's side glance at Michael in confusion, not because of his words, but because Farengar wasn't quick to dispute his claims. The Court Mage was well known to dislike things with no clear answer, claims of the Gods influence was a particular pet peeve of the man as people used this answer to solve both the mysteries of the universe, and that one time they forget their keys in their other pants...

"Perhaps." is all the Court Mage could muster at Michael's words, resting a hand on his chest and letting out a breath, "Could I perhaps, persuade you to stay here longer so I could look over this book again? I am sure, with enough time I could unravel its mysteries..."

Michael shakes his head, "And risk disturbing the seals on the Ebony Blade? I'd rather not. I understand my book well enough, and I don't need outside interference to tell me more of it." he explains, clapping the book closed and allowing it to dissipate away.

The Mage gives a reluctant nod and steps back up beside the Jarl, the man giving a brief, 'non-explanation' over what it was.

The Jarl and his retainers hold a brief discussion over what they should do, before eventually deciding to just allow Michael to continue to hold it. No one there was an expert concerning Daedric Artifacts, and no one wanted to be responsible for trying to contain it... So, leaving Michael to hold it and all the responsibility that would imply suits them well enough.

With all that decided, Jarl Balgruuf stands from his throne and looks down at Michael, "You have done my people a great service, Michael Tahlin. And while a good friend of mine perished, many more were saved. I entrust to you the duty of keeping the Blade sealed, I name you Blade-Bearer. Your position will be kept secret, and everything heard here today will not be allowed outside of this hall to prevent cultists from targeting you... But, if that thing should see the light of day, I will assume the worst and have men sent for you... Do you understand and accept?"

Michael nods, "I do."

The Jarl nods and gestures to Proventus, "For your feats, I will have Proventus award you a thousand gold. You have done us a great favour, know that you are a citizen of Whiterun now and one of my people... The lockdown will also be lifted, go with the guards and retrieve your family and rest, today has been trying for us all." he ends with a sigh, waving Michael off.

Michael gives a slight bow and leaves Dragonsreach with the guards, headed straight for the gate. Unfortunately, his actions under the Gildergreen had already spread through the city like wildfire. Most people sent him looks of derision or disgust, while others held their opinions to themselves for now. The fact that Michael hadn't been executed and wasn't sitting in prison lent to his innocence. Not that people particularly cared about that...

Outside, he meets up with Tiffania, Charlotte, Illococoo, and Maria, helping them inside the city and getting them rooms inside the local inn, The Bannered Mare. Medresi also comes along, but quickly separates to try and find some way to make use of her gold... She couldn't just drag around sacks of gold wherever she went, not if she wanted to keep it.

Michael also decided to stay at the inn despite having a bed in Jorrvaskr. He wasn't sure about the rules of the Companions, but he was sure they didn't force people to sleep there... Right?

The inn owner Hulda, almost sent him away packing as she'd seen his fight with the crazed Matron, luckily he managed to explain the situation, allowing him to stay with the others for now.

The girls themselves were semi-surprised to hear about what he'd done, but it wasn't like similar things hadn't happened in the past...

With everything sorted, Michael lets the girls explore the city while he heads to the Skyforge, finally deciding to get his two sets of Draugr ebony armour looked at.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :




Jack Allen

Faruk Ereng

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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