
Noble's Honour

Michael seethes in utter fury, knowing that the nobles' general disdain of peasants and all those who they consider 'lesser' made them all too eager to take the side of a 'sympathetic lord'. He glances at Prince Wales and almost blows a gasket as he notices a shimmer of acceptance through the man's expressionless mask.

"Don't you fucking dare!" he exclaims, pointing at Prince Wales, "You fucked up once when you didn't immediately kill Wardes, forcing me to throw myself off of a fucking airship to deal with him, and now you're tempted to let this guy go too!? What happened to this 'noble honour' I keep hearing about!? BECAUSE I'VE NEVER SEEN IT BEFORE!" he screams.

The Prince's lips thin, as much as he wanted to punish the Baron, he'd been the first noble to willingly submit himself. Killing him now would set a terrible precedent. "While I see and understand your unwillingness to accept this man, he has come begging for forgiveness, and has shown through his actions that he seeks redemption. I owe him my life, your anger can be assuaged and fade. But the life of an honourable noble is not so easily ended." he determines.

It's not just Michael who is enraged by his words, as even Agnes looks to be ready to protect. It's only her will and loyalty towards the Princess that enables her to hold her tongue.

Michael, however, does not possess such tact. He tightly grips his sword while the runes on the back of his hand glow enough that they're visible through the fabric wrapping them. "If you won't deal justice, then I will! I'm sick of you fucking nobles and your hypocrisy!" he exclaims, and is about to charge the Baron to end his life, when Tiffania steps in front of him. "Tiffania!?" he asks, annoyed and shocked that she'd obstruct him.

She places a hand on his chest and looks at Prince Wales, "I also assisted in saving your life, Prince Wales, I was forced to use a valuable artifact I was gifted with to heal your wounds... Does your gratitude extend to me?" she asks somewhat stiffly, doing her best to keep her nerve while under everyone's attention.

The Prince nods, "Perhaps... May I know your identity?"


Tiffania stands there for a moment, struggling to decide what to do. She knew the Prince would demand to see her face before he accepts any of her requests, yet doing so would probably bring doom to her and Michael... Her attempt to stop him from attacking the Baron and the loyalists was unplanned, and she had no real idea what to do next. She keeps her hand on Michael's chest, using his warmth to motivate her forwards. "You might know of me, Cousin." she states, causing the Prince's eyes to widen in recognition, before they squint slightly in consternation.

The fact that his Uncle had laid with an elf was a heavily kept secret, one that may bring into question the validity of Prince Wales' rule itself. The Brimir religions hatred of elves could not be understated, so if such a fact was known it might bring destruction to his faction and Albion as a whole. It might even give cause for other countries to invade him, proclaiming his land as heretical and under the control of the elves.

The Musketeer Knights and the loyalists were muttering amongst themselves at her words, and Baron Jargkon was suddenly feeling worried over his position... If she was truly his cousin, then her word would prove heavier than Jargkon's own.

"I am unsure of my relation to you, lady, but I am the last of Tudor line... Regardless, you saved me, what is your request?"


She ignores his dispute of their relation for now and continues, "I wish for justice against this man calling himself a Baron, his crimes are too much to be forgiven." she states, causing the Prince to frown.

Julien nods, "I agree with the lady! Criminals must be punished! Noble blood or not!"


Prince Wales shakes his head after some deliberation, "I reject your request, and I denounce you both for proclaiming your relation to me, and your attempt to interfere in the affairs of Albion!" he suddenly declares, shocking both Michael and Tiffania.

Tiffania sucks in a breath at his words, her eyes tearing up at her last family member's rejection of her. But Prince Wales errs hadn't yet ended.

He takes a wand from the nearest loyalist and flicks it, causing a gust of wind to blow and force Tiffania's hood down, revealing her long ears to all those present. "Did you think I would not know of your attempts at subterfuge, Elf!?"


"DEMON!" a man shouts, breaking the shocked silence, causing everyone to drawn their weapons and look warily at Tiffania who seemed ready to break down and start crying...

Michael pushes Tiffania behind him, feeling anger that only matched the time he dove from the airship to chase Wardes. "So this the true face of nobility? Your word only matters as long as it suits your agenda?" he points his sword at Wales, "You disgust me, trying to scheme your way out of accepting your cousin!? Have you bunch of bastards forgotten so easily!? That this girl helped rescue your Prince!? That she healed him!? AND NOW THIS!?" he roars, spittle flying out of his mouth as he struggles to keep himself from attacking the closest person.

"DOES ANYONE HERE ACTUALLY BELIEVE THAT THIS PIECE OF SHIT IS INNOCENT!?" he exclaims, prodding his sword at the Baron. He waits a moment and only a few people speak up, revealing that they were just following the Prince's lead. Michael rubs his eyes, and glances over his shoulder at Tiffania, "Get ready for a fight, Tiff." he whispers, and she nods while wiping the moisture from her eyes.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :




Jack Allen

Faruk Ereng

Nathaniel Clayton

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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