

"There are 20 keys at the bottom of the tank and you only need 15 of them to open the chest. You can only take one at a time and can't pick a handful of keys at the same time. If you do you will be electrified. And once you enter the tank the water level will rise at a constant speed. As for the one to try the key f they use the incorrect key to unlock the lock they will be slightly electrified. You don't need to worry the voltage is well maintained to insure your safety," The staff member gleefully explains. 

"Oh, and if you take more than 5 minutes then you won't be able to get a Black ticket. So please try to complete it within five minutes if you want to win the black ticket."

They looked so cheerful like a child while mentioning the rule that it gives creeps to both Lucas and Adrian.

Staff members of Partner sports are all too abnormal. They either like to pick on their guests or torture them. 

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