
Chapter 36: Tyrants fear tyrants

As Arrots grand announcement was projected all over the Universe many tyrants who heard this news were either shaking in their boots because of the new challenge, laughing at the thought of testing their power or simply wondering how the freaking monkeys survived.

The last of course was the thoughts of Frieza who was so leisurely enjoying a class of space Domaine Romanée Conti whilst watching his faiviret series the real housewives of Frieza Planet 29 (Honestly seems like something Frieza would watch if you ask me)

But as he took a tip he had to hastily spit out the wine in the shock of what had interrupted his show as he saw on his screen a Saiyan speaking to a crowd of different races as he spouted some nonsense that was propaganda but that wasn't the point

How did another freaking monkey survive the destruction of planet Vegeta? I know we hunted down all the children... ZARBON DODORIA GET IN HERE!!

As Frieza commanded they entered in a hurry

My lord, you called said Zarbon but Frieza raised his hand and pointed to the screen where Arrot was giving his speech to the masses.

Zarbon and Dodoria looked confused causing Frieza to angrily gaze at them "That's a Saiyan you incompetent baffons!

They were both shocked and Dodoria spoke up "B-but my lord Vegeta and those other two should be the only Saiyans left how, how can there be more? you destroyed planet Vegeta I saw it with my own eyes

"You think I don't remember Destroying that filth-infested rock Dodoria what you should be asking is how is it that there were any survivors even tho I gave specific orders for you to kill all the Saiyans out on missions that did not return to Planet Vegeta.

Dodoria and Zarbon looked at each other with fear written all over their faces they knew they messed up and unless they could come up with an excuse they would be dead.

Zarbon then spoke "My lord we did carry out your orders to kill any Saiyans that refused your orders we met many Adult Saiyans that were simply ignoring your orders and I saw to their end, my lord.

Frieza closed his eyes as he sipped on his wine taking time to savour the taste he was deep in thought "hmm Zarbon you said adult Saiyans correct?

"Y-yes my lord"

"What about the younger ones that were of world?

W-well my lord for many of them, we lost the signal of their Scouters and pods and we assumed them to be dead and even when we sent scouts to the planets we found no trace of them.

"I see and you have no clue whether they were alive or dead?

"Well my lord since we could find no trace of them we assumed they were dead"

Were there any survivors in the West Galaxy tho surely there must have been some.

Well my lord unfortunately there was a slight problem with our system at the time we had lost all information about the West Galaxy and all the races and planets in the area and although there were some officers that claimed there were records of a few Saiyans sent out there was no communication or proof, we assumed there was nothing in the first place.

And why was I not informed of this little conundrum Zarbon?

Zarbon began to sweat "Well my lord at the time you were so busy that you didn't seem like you wanted to be disturbed and your Father and Older brother were keeping you busy after all I could not interrupt...

Enough Zarbon enough!

Zarbon then instantly shut up and looked down wrecking his brain on what to say to avoid death at all cost.

Hmmm, "tell me Zarbon how old does that Saiyan right there look?

Zarbon was a little shocked by the question and looked at the screen at Arrots face carefully

"I must admit my lord it is extremely difficult to tell with these Saiyans since they just like my race maintain a youthful appearance for a long time but he does seem as old as Vegeta...

Dodoria then spoke after Zarbon my lord May I ask why this monkey's appearance matters so much?

Freiza whipped Dodoria with his tail at his interruption telling him to remain silent but even then he decided to answer his question.

"Well Dodoria if you must know of your incompetence then it's simple this Arrot is simply a Saiyan child that survived the purge of his race and the others he has under his employ survived with him and together they masted an empire seemingly starting as the savage pirates I got those reports about and then a warlord then an empire my oh my for a Troop of monkey they certainly did well for themselves ohohoho.

Zarbon looked shocked "My lord you are not furious with this?

"Of course not Zarbon it seems my influence on their savage race has truly benefited them seeing as how they have claimed me an entirely new Galaxy all I have to do now is collect it from them after all they surely haven't forgotten who they belong to have they

Zarbon looked at Arrot for some time "My lord if I may ask what if this Arrot were to refuse to bow to you?

Frieza Smiled sadistically and hit his tail on the floor making a whip-cracking sound "well if the ape has forgotten who his master is I will simply remind him, after all, it is more fun that way hohohoh

On the other side of the Galaxy Freiza was not the only Frost-demon to notice Arrot on an icy planet inside a massive palace set another frost demon who was almost identical to Frieza in his first form but with deep purple skin, unlike his brother's white.

Although he had a stoic look on his face deep down some excitement was building itself up within him he didn't see this new empire as a threat but as an opportunity for himself and he was going to seize it maybe he could even one up his brother in the process

Now all he had to do was have a little chat with this Arrot.

And the frost-demons were not the only ones interested in this new Empire all over the Galaxy many a tyrant was either frightened interested or excited about a new rival but one particular being was watching the show in amusement.

In a strange triangular-shaped world with a massive tree-like castle a white-haired man set on a tree stump as he observed the new news he acquired of a Saiyan empire.

My oh my maybe i wont be so bored after all,I wonder how you can entertain me till my Master awakens little Saiyan

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