
Monklins (2)


You have received 30% Exp by killing 7 <Lvl 10> Monklins.

Current Werewolf Level: 14

Current Werewolf skill points: 28

Current Exp: 21%


"I got less exp than last time. Looks like continuously killing the same creature gives lesser exp." Ashton mumbled absent-mindedly before quickly checking his stats.

Everything was going better than he had expected. It had been four hours since he began slaughtering the monklins and the results were promising. His werewolf genes were already on level 14 while the vampire and zombie genes were at 13 and 11 respectively. 

However, Ashton was a bit disappointed. He had wanted to reach level 15 and get his werewolf class during this quest itself. But judging by how little exp he was being awarded now, he didn't think it would be possible for him to reach level 15.

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