
The Fox's past continues to haunt him

Chu Yun looked up at his grandfather in shock, but the King ignored him.

He shook the sword in his cousin Chu Ming's face once more. "Go on, boy, do it."

The family of four kept crying, their eyes swollen by tears and faces blackened by soot. Chu Yun looked around the burning estate, hoping for some sign that this was some test. Some sign that actually his grandfather wanted them to bravely save these people instead of killing them.

However, the more he looked around, the more signs of deliberate destruction he saw. There were bodies half fallen out of doorways and windows; those of the family's servants who hadn't yet been consumed by flames. But Chu Yun could see the arrow shafts protruding out of their chests and backs, putting an end to his hopes that they might have succumbed to smoke inhalation.Β 

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