
The Fox's last sacrifice

Chu Yun cupped his abdomen on instinct, although it really wasn't helping with the pain.

His eyes flew around the stage in a blind panic. 

This wasn't ideal.

For one, it was early.

Second, there was no way he wanted hundreds of people to know what was happening. 

He tried to make his way towards the stairs leading to the back of the stage, but each step cost him, and he couldn't help the grimace of pain on his face.

Xiao Ziyi caught his eye, when he was walking behind her. "Are you alright?" she mouthed at him.

Chu Yun shook his head, and nodded meaningfully to his abdomen. 

Xiao Ziyi got up from her seat without a word and helped him off the stage with a hand supporting his shoulder and another his back. With great difficulty, Chu Yun made it down the stairs.

He was panting by the time he cleared the last step.

"I'm going to call Xiao Zai," Xiao Ziyi said, pale and sweaty all at once.


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