
The Fox takes care of the Wolf

Chu Yun was exhausted by the time the last minister left, this time without being dragged away by the overworked guards.

When all was said and done, the palace's holding cells must have been filled to bursting.

Chu Yun slumped in his chair gracelessly, stretching out his legs and rubbing the swell of his abdomen with a sigh. He was so tired he could fall asleep right away.

Xiao Yuan's hand touched his shoulder tentatively.

"You should rest," he said warily.

Chu Yun shook his head and got up to his feet. He couldn't rest yet. "There is something I need to do still."

Now that she no longer had the dubious honour of keeping guard with Gu Wei over the antsy ministers, has they had all been either arrested or sent out of the palace until further notice, Hua Nanyi met him on the hallway outside the throne room.

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