
The Fox is going to take care of everything

Chu Yun tried to sit up in bed, but was pushed back down softly by a panicked Chu Hean.

"Don't strain yourself."

"Xiao Zai, where is Xiao Zai?" Chu Yun asked, almost choking on his grief.

Chu Hean's face did something complicated. "He's alive, he's...resting."

The wave of relief that hit Chu Yun was so powerful it almost bowled him over. Xiao Zai was well. But even as the relief coursed through him, Chu Yun still thought something was amiss.

"Resting?" Chu Yun asked, looking at Chu Hean's face for any tells. "How long has been resting?" He stopped. "How long have I been sleeping?"

Chu Hean grimaced, looking away from Chu Yun with a guilty look. "Well, uhm, it's been a week."

"A week," Chu Yun repeated, trying to make the words sound normal, getting used to the weight of them. "Has he woken up at any point? Have I?"

Chu Hean kept looking away. "He hasn't, but you've had nightmares, talked in your sleep."

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